Scientific career of Prof. Dr. Klaus Lange
1940 born in Zittau (Saxony)
1960-1964 studies of domestic trade economics at the college for domestic trade Leipzig and at the Karl Marx university of Leipzig, certificate as qualified economist
1964 -1968 assistant at the institute of statistics for book-keeping and statistics at the Karl Marx university of Leipzig and gaining a doctorate to Dr. rer. oec.
1968 -1970 scientific assistant in the central state administration for statistics Berlin
1970 - 1982 scientific assistant at the commercial college of Leipzig
since 1972 scientific sector of statistics at commercial college of Leipzig, field of work: statistical methodology and commercial statistics
1978 additional study at the Plechanow Institute of Moscow (statistical institute)
1981 habilitation
1982 appointment as university lecturer for statistics
1984 1 semester practical training in the state central administration for statistics with the main stress on economic calculation, appointment to full professor for book-keeping and economic statistics
1985-1990 head of scientific sector of book-keeping and economic statistics as well as member of the coordinate group "future perfection of book-keeping and statistics" with the state central administration for statistics
1990 after establishment of the statistic office of the GDR member in its statistic advisory board
September, 1990 acting director of the new founded institute of statistics at the economic faculty of the Karl Marx university of Leipzig
December, 1990 liquidation of the economic faculty of the Karl Marx university of Leipzig
1991 - 2005 chair in statistical methodology, fields of work: statistical methodology, economic statistics including economic calculation
1991 - 2002 responsibility for the international student's exchange within faculty
1994 - 2004 construction and responsibility for the project of the double certificate course in economic sciences with the Université Lumière Lyon 2
1994 - 2005 head of “third-funds-project” on behalf of the Saxon ministry for economy and work to the regional statistical analysis in the free state of Saxony on the support of economic promotion
1999 - 2000 head and active participant of a further education course for Vietnamese graduates of German universities and colleges in Hanoi and Leipzig
since 2002 annually visiting professor at the economic faculty of the Saint Kliment Ohridski university of Sofia to the subject of economic calculation and economic statistics
Subjects of research
• studies to individual consumption and standard of living on the bases of the statistics of economic calculation and housekeeping budget (at the same time the subject of the thesis and postdoctoral thesis)
• analysis of the efficiency / productivity of trade and industrial collective combines
• methodology of construction and use of consumer price statistics
• regional statistical analyses of the support of economic promotion
• co-author of textbook "Commercial statistics" Berlin, 1976
• “Encyclopaedia of economy”, volume “book-keeping and economic statistics”, Berlin, 1973, author for keywords on the subjects consumption of the population and standard of living
• “Complex analysis of effectiveness in the domestic trade”, Berlin in 1985 (together with K. Gutmann)
• head of the author's group, “Problems of measurement and analysis of the efficiency as a requirement of the process of intensification”, Leipzig, 1989
• “Statistical analysis of the income and consumption changes of private households as a result of social transformation in Poland and the new federal states of Germany”, Lodz, 1994 (together with S. Bartczak, U. Hellmund and W. Starzynska)
• “Statistics - collection of exercises”, Zwickau, 1st - 6th edition, 1995 – 2004
• “Statistics – formulary”, Zwickau, 1st - 6th edition, 1994 – 2003
• co-author of “Situation and role of large cities in the transformational process”, Leip-zig/Wroclaw, 1996 and 2002
• articles to the named subjects of research in different magazines and in special editions