каб. 352
тел: 02 8167 352
e-mail: Jatanassova@uni-sofia.bg
1978 Магистър по Ботаника, Биологически факултет, СУ “Св.Кл.Охридски”
1990 доктор, дисертация "Развитие на растителността през късния квартенер по данните от спорово-поленовия анализ на седименти от западния секторна Черно море"
от 1992 Асистент по Систематика на Висшите растения
от 2006 г. Доцент по Ботаника
Научни интереси: Cистематика на висшите растения, Палинология, Палеоекология, Археоботаника, Декоративни растения, Пчелни продукти
Избрани публикации:
Atanassova, J., V. Kondova. 2004. Pollen and chemical-physical analysis of unifloral bee honey from different regions of Bulgaria. Phytologia Balcanica, 10 (1): 35-39
Atanassova J. 2005. Palaeoecological setting of the western Black Sea area during the last 15000 years. The Holocene, 15, 4: 576-584.
Atanassova J., E. Bozilova, S.Todorova.2005. Pollen analysis of honey from the villages Novi Han, Pobit Kamak and Vakarel. Phytologia Balcanica, 10 (2-3): 247-252
Atanassova. J., I. Stefanova. 2005. Late Holocene vegetation changes in the Northern Pirin Mts (Southwestern Bulgaria). Palynological data from lake Suho Breznishko and Okadensko. Geologica Carphatica,56, 5 447-453
Atanassova, J., E. Marinova. 2005. Contribution to the flora of disappearing vetlands in the Toundza hilly region (SE Bulgaria). Phytologia Balcanica, 11 (2): 139-144
Marinova E., J. Atanassova. 2006. Anthropogenic impact on vegetation and environment during the Bronze age in the area of Lake Durankulak, NE Bulgaria: pollen, microscopic charcoal, non-pollen palynomorphs and plant macrofossils. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 141, 165-178 16
Stefanova, I., Atanassova. J., M. Delsheva, H. Wright. 2006.Chronological framework for the Latglacial pollen and macrofossil sequence in the Pirin Mountain, Bulgaria: Lake Besbog and Lake Kremensko-5. The Holocene, 16,6,1-16
Atanassova J. 2007. Pollen deposition in moss polsters and pollen traps in the Central Stara Planina mts. (2002-2005). Phytologia Balcanica 13(2):223-228
Atanassova J., Lazarova K. 2010. Pollen analysis of bee pollen loadas from the region of the towm Shumen (NE Bulgaria). Comptes rendus de l’Acad´emie bulgare des Sciences, 63, 3, 369=374