Sofia Development Association, Sofia Municipality, and EUROPEANA launch a hackathon, “The Challenge of Sustainability and Social Justice”, the grand finale of which will be held live on June 8, 2023, as part of the European Innovation Campus. The hackathon challenges participants to look for bold technological and social innovation solutions that guide the vision for next-generation transport services, access, and cultural heritage preservation. These areas are powerful catalysts for cities and regions in times of rapid urbanization, digitalization, and individualization. The winner will receive the European Young Innovations Award from Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education, and Youth.
When many capable and dedicated people work in unison, amazing things happen. Sofia Municipality and the Center for Urban Mobility will provide data from the urban transport system generated by the INOAIR project and EUROPEANA - datasets of historical photographs and natural heritage databases that challenge participants to combine data analysis with storytelling. The cycling city of the future, tools for connection between citizens and transport operators, can the history of mobility in Sofia give us a key to its future, can we overcome the "biocide"?
Come create the next generation of urban sustainability and compete for 15 000 BGN in prizes. The awarded teams will be included in the "Sandbox for innovative solutions" of Sofia, which will allow them to test their products in a real urban environment, attract investments and present themselves to other cities in the country and abroad. Registration is open until May 28!
Detailed information about the competition - program, conditions, challenges, jury and final, can be found on the INNOAIR page.
The project partnership, led by the Metropolitan Municipality, includes 2 universities: Sofia University St. "Kliment Ohridski", Plovdiv University "Paisiy Hilendarski"; 2 non-profit organizations - Sofia Development Association, National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria; 2 companies – Center for Urban Mobility in Sofia, Modeshift Europe EAD; and 1 national public body: National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology. In this way, a strong collaboration between the city administration, scientists, businesses, and citizens is ensured.
The INNOAIR project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Initiative "Innovative Activities for Urban Development". This is the first Bulgarian project selected for financing by the Initiative.