Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / On April 8th, an orientation session was held for a foreign student with visual impairments at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration




On April 8th, an orientation session was held for a foreign student with visual impairments at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. The orientation was carried out by the University Center for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", upon the invitation of the Dean's office of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

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The student is part of the AMBA-accredited Master's program in "Business Administration - Strategic Management".

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration expresses gratitude to Prof. Mira Tsvetkova-Arsova, who guided the student through the faculty building, as well as the colleagues from the University Center for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs for the dedicated time, care, and attention.

The orientation was guided by Assoc. Prof. Marina Stefanova, PhD, Vice-Dean "Sustainable Development, Support, and Engagement", who emphasized the importance of integrating students with special educational needs and discussed future collaboration plans with the University Center for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs.