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On March 31st, guest lecturers in the discipline “Management of Energy and Utility Companies”, part of the master's program “Energy Markets and Services” at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, were Mr. Krasimir Nenov, Executive Director of “ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3” and Co-Chair of Committee “Energy and Mineral Resources” at the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria (AmCham Bulgaria), and Ms. Lilia Chobanova, Commercial Director of KGMI3 and a representative of the community of graduates of energy master's degree at Sofia University.


In their lecture to the students of this year's class, Mr. Nenov and Ms. Chobanova presented the report “Decarbonization of the power system of Bulgaria 2022-2050”, which is the result of six months of work by a team from the leading consulting company Compass Lexecon. The report presents three scenarios for decarbonization and was discussed at the highest level in the last month of institutions and businesses in the country. The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” hosted the first presentation of the report to the academic community.


The lecture was attended by students in the hall, as well as students who joined through the direct video connection provided by the technical renovation of the classrooms at the Faculty of Economics. The 17th graduating class of the master’s program “Energy Markets and Services” includes 28 students with experience in various fields of energy and economics. A traditional part of their training is visiting business leaders and energy experts. See more about the program at: bit.ly/energy-markets