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Assist. Prof. Radostina Ivcheva



  • General economic theory
  • Introduction to economics
  • Introduction to micro- and macroeconomics
  • International economy
  • Microeconomics
  • Labor economics

Selected publications

- Stefan Petranov & Milena Angelova & Lillyana Georgieva & Radostina Ivcheva & Nino Avreyski, 2023. "Is Tax Morale Homogeneous in Bulgaria?," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 3, pages 64-87

- Petranov, Stefan and Georgieva, Liliana and Ivcheva, Radostina (2022): Институционалните условия за членство в еврозоната и защо пътят е по-важен от неговата цел. Published in: Chapter in Book: The challenges for the Bulgarian economy on its way to membership in the euro area, eds Zlatinov, D., M. Nenova, S. Raleva No. Publishing house: Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (1 October 2022)

- Stefan Petranov & Dimitar Zlatinov & Milen Velushev & Lillyana Georgieva & Radostina Ivcheva, 2022. "Shadow Economy and Production Factors: Results from an Empirical Analysis with a Panel Data Set," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 2, pages 44-64


Scientific fields

  • Shadow economy
  • Informal employment
  • Economic Growth
  • Economic Modelling


EMAIL: r.ivcheva@feb.uni-sofia.bg

ADRESS: 1113 Sofia, bul. "Tzarigradsko Shausse" 125, Block 3, Office 502

Office hours

Thursday from 11:00 to 12:00, after confirmation by e-mail.

Profiles in scientific platforms
