Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / Procedures for science degrees and academic positions / Procedures for holding academic positions / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration - Archive / Contest for the academic position of "Professor" in the professional and scientific field 3.8 "Economics" (Risk Management, e-Management and Digital Economy), State Gazette, issue 24/17.03.2023


Candidate: Assoc. Prof. Anton Antonov Gerunov, D.Sc.


Contest for the academic position of "Professor" in the professional and scientific field 3.8 "Economics" (Risk Management, e-Management and Digital Economy - in Bulgarian and English), announced for the needs of the Faculty of Economics of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", State Gazette, issue 24/17.03.2023


Candidate: Assoc. Prof. Anton Antonov Gerunov, D.Sc.

Chairman of the Scientific Jury: Prof. Georgi Dimitrov Mengov, PhD





