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Prof. Nadya Velinova – Sokolova, Ph.D.

Prof. Nadya Velinova – Sokolova, Ph.D., is a lecturer in the "Finance and Accounting" Department at the Faculty of Economics and Business Adminidtration of the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".

Prof. Sokolova received her education at the University of National and World Economy - bachelor's and master's degrees. She defended his doctoral thesis in 2004 in the field of derivative financial instruments.

Prof. Sokolova gives lectures in English on "Capital markets, derivatives and risk management", "Introduction to taxation", "Financial accounting and analysis", "Management accounting", as well as in Bulgarian on the disciplines "Derivative financial instruments", "Insurance", "Insurance - Risk Management and Actuarial Practices", "Accounting for Insurance Companies", "Accounting and Finance for Managers" and "Practical Course in Finance and Accounting" in the Bachelor's and Master's programs at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University.

Since 2023, she has been Chairman of the General Assembly of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Participates in national and international research projects related to finance education and risk assessment.

Her research interests are in the field of accounting and analysis of financial instruments, the valuation and analysis of derivative financial instruments, the activity of non-bank financial institutions, the development of portfolio theory, as well as the analysis and assessment of risk.