Home / The University / Centres / Centre for Slavo-Byzantine Studies “Prof. Ivan Dujčev” / Establishment

The Centrе "Ivan Duitchev"

Centre for Slavo-Byzantine Studies “Prof. Ivan Dujčev was established on May 14, 1986, as an independent unit at the Rector’s Office of University of Sofia on grounds of the will of the renowned Bulgarian medievalist, Prof. Ivan Dujčev. Along with the professor’s house, “Prof. Ivan Dujčev Centre has inherited his specialized library in medieval history, culture and art, his collection of manuscripts, as well as a rich scientific and personal archive.

Prof. Ivan Dujčev Centre gives annual courses to full-time and extra-mural students from the Faculty of History, the Slavonic Philologies (Languages) Faculty and to students in the speciality of “Library science and scientific information” from “St. Kliment Ohridsky” Sofia University. With its facilities and team of scientists “Prof. Ivan Dujčev Centre attracts a number of undergraduates working on their diploma papers or postgraduates specializing in these fields of science, having the unique possibility to work on the spot with authentic manuscripts, documents and to specialize at the restoration laboratory of the Centre.