Home / The University / Centres / Centre for Slavo-Byzantine Studies “Prof. Ivan Dujčev” / Elena and Ivan Dujčev Foundation


A non-profit foundation in the name of Elena and Ivan Dujčev was established in 1992 for support and raising of funds for the research and publishing activity of "Prof. Ivan Dujиhev" Centre. Upon available sponsorship the foundation grants scholarships to high school and university students having shown knowledge and special interest in the science of history.

  • 1993-1998 - scholarship from Ivan Benchev, Bonn
  • 1998-2003 - scholarship in the name of Eric Weiss from "Enfance pour la Bulgarie" Foundation, France.


President: Prof. Dr of Art Axinia Džurova

Executive Director: Assoc. Prof. Vassya Velinova, Dr. Habil

Secretary: Assist. Prof. Maria Polimirova, PhD


For further information:

Phone: + 359 2 856 30 66; + 359 2 955 45 47


E-mail: centre_dujcev@abv.bg;