Head Assoc. Prof. Tsvetan Vasilev, PhD
Room 183
Phone: (+359 2) 9308 341
Programmes launched:
Classical Studies 1921
Hungarian Studies 1983
Modern Greek Studies 1992
The Department of Classical Philology is the oldest department in the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology. It runs the only programme in Bulgaria, established in 1921, which prepares specialists in the field of Greek and Latin languages, ancient literature and culture, translation studies, classical receptions studies, and sources for the history and culture of the ancient world, medieval Europe and the Balkans.
The programme provides the necessary skills to engage with works of ancient and medieval literature written in the original classical languages, as well as the theoretical foundations for activities in various fields of humanitarian studies and the public sphere. Graduates with a degree in Classical Philology, thanks to their wide range of knowledge and skills, are also successful in other professional fields, as managers, experts, consultants and employees in the following areas:
- Science, culture and education;
- Translation and publishing;
- Computer modelling and digital processing of languages, texts and artefacts;
- Advertising, journalism and criticism;
- Cultural tourism;
- Public relations, advertising and the media;
- Policy and strategic planning;
- Services and administrative activities.
Website: http://www.kkf.proclassics.org/
Modern Greek Studies
The Programme in Modern Greek Philology was launched in the academic year 1992/1993. The launching of the programme was initiated by Prof. Bogdan Bogdanov and was brought to success by Prof. Stoyna Poromanska. Its curriculum includes over 800 hours of Modern Greek Studies. Students start at the beginner level with an intensive course of 120 hours. The curriculum also includes courses in Greek Culture and Literature; Ancient Greek and Ancient Authors; Byzantine Literature and Culture; Byzantine Language and Authors; History of Ancient Greece; Byzantine History; Modern History of Greece; General Linguistics; Literary Theory; Modern Greek Dialectology; Theory of Translation; Methodology of Teaching Modern Greek, etc. The curriculum is multidisciplinary and aims at acquiring competent use of all registers of the language – from formal to slang, as well as knowledge of the tendencies in the development of Modern Greek, the ethno-psychology of the Greeks, their history and culture.
The Library (room 176, central building) of Modern Greek Studies is dedicated to the Greek poet Constantinos Cavafy and houses numerous books in Modern Greek, textbooks and journals.
The Master Programme Modern Greece - Language and Culture aims to deepen the knowledge in the field of modern Greek language, literature and culture, as well as to supplement it with a variety of optional cultural and linguistic disciplines.Special emphasis is placed on the development of practical translation skills for translating and interpreting the various functional styles of the modern Greek language - economic, socio-political, administrative, legal and literary.
Master's students are free to choose, in addition to elective subjects specified in the curriculum, other subjects from the master's program of the "Classical Philology" profile.The master's program provides an opportunity to prepare highly qualified specialists in modern Greek language and translation, and provides a good basis for implementation both in the system of education and science, as well as in other areas of public life.The program is open to undergraduates who have completed majors in the study of Modern Greek, with knowledge of general and Modern Greek linguistics and Modern Greek literature.
Hungarian Studies
The Programme in Hungarian Studies is unique in being the only one in Bulgaria which offers Hungarian at both B. A. and M. A. levels – no other university in Bulgaria offers Hungarian Studies. Its graduates are highly qualified in translation from and into Hungarian. The Department maintains excellent relations with the departments of Hungarian Studies in Layos Kossuth University in Debrecen, the Loran Eotvos University in Budapest, at the Yanus Panonius University in Pecz and Baling Balish Institute in Budapest. Students can choose among a variety of exchange programmes,summer schools and seminars in Budapest, Pecz and Debrecen.