The Degree Course in Physics and Mathematics starts at the Higher School in the 1899/1900 academic year. It covers a four-year course in mathematics, experimental and theoretical physics. The number of lecturers is 7, and of students - 72. This marks the beginning of university education in natural and mathematical sciences in Bulgaria.
The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was founded in 1904, after the adoption of the Law on Higher Education. It had tow major profiles - industrial and pedagogical.
The Faculty of Physics of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” becomes an independent structure in 1963.
Founders of university education in physics are Prof. P. Bahmetiev, one of the founders of biophysics; Prof. A. Hristov, specialist in surface phenomena in liquids; Prof. N. Pentchev - natural radioactivity; Prof. Karamihailova - nuclear physics and natural radioactivity; Prof. N. Stoyanov and Academician K. Popov - theoretical astronomy; Prof. N. Bonev - cosmogony; Academician L. Krastanov - founder of Bulgarian meteorology; Prof. E. Dzakov - physical electronics; Academicians Datsev and Hristov - theoretical physics. Special tribute must be paid to G. Nadzakov, Full Member of the Academy of Science, who set the foundations of solid state physics. We must also mention the contribution of Prof. E. Nadzakov in the field of nuclear physics and experimental nuclear physics, and Prof. M. Borissov in the field of solid state physics, acoustic optics and acoustic electronics