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Master's Degree Programme: Plasma Technology and Thermonuclear Fusion


Duration: 3 Terms
Form of Education: Full time
Start: Winter semester

Programme Chair: Assoc. Prof. PhD Zhivko Kissovski
Tel.: (+359) 2 8161649; (+359) 878879088
Е-mail: kissov@phys.uni-sofia.bg


Curriculum (pdf)


Graduates of this program receive a master‘s degree in „Plasma Technology and Thermonuclear Fusion”.

Admission requirements

The program is open to Bulgarian/EU citizens of countries from the European Union (EU) as well as to citizens of countries outside the EU. The EU and Bulgarian citizens are admitted according to the general rules of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” available at: https://www.uni-sofia.bg/index.php/eng/admission/international_students/application_procedure/applicants_from_eu_member_countries

The candidates from non-EU member countries have to comply with the general rules for admission in the Sofia University “St. KlimentOhridski” as foreign students, see here

The working language is English and Level B2 is recommended.

1. Educational goals

This programme is intended for specialists with Bachelor’s degree in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Informatics or Engineering Sciences. The main goal of programme is to train highly qualified specialists. It offers education in two modules: 1) “Plasma Technologies” and 2) “Thermonuclear Fusion”. The two modules have a basic training in the areas of plasma physics, vacuum technique, plasma generation methods and determination of plasma parameters.The objective of the training of the students from module “Plasma technologies” is to gain in-depth knowledge of the gas discharge plasma sources, theirexploitation and application in the ecology, medicine, industry, as well as the deposition of planar and nano-structures for microelectronics. Practical exersises are held in modernly equipped laboratories and students have the opportunity to participate in the research work. The students following the module “Thermonuclear Fusion” will acquire knowledge in the field of high temperature plasma physics, fusion reactors and their safety. This education provides opportunities for successful realization in international scientific projects and organizations.

2. Training (theoretical and special training)

The students will have common training during the first term of their course. The common disciplines are “Plasma Physics” and “Fundamentals of plasma electrodynamics”, which cover fundamental principles and processes in plasma and plasma-field interaction. Additional basic courses are devoted to vacuum technique and plasma diagnostics of low and high temperature plasmas.

The programme structure and specifically the training in two modules provides the opportunity for specialized preparation with compulsory and optional coursesin the field of the plasma technology or thermonuclear fusion, respectively. In the module “Plasma Technologies” various types of gas discharges like DC plasma sources, high frequency and microwave discharges are studied within the compulsory courses. Attention is drawn to both the plasma simulations and the practical implementation of these sources, including their specific electrical circuits and design. The optional courses are devoted to the plasma applications in the ecology, medicine, industry and the deposition of planar and nano-structures for the microelectronics.

In the module ”Thermonuclear fusion”, the students acquire additional theoretical and practical knowledge during the second and third terms of their training which are prerequisites for successful realization in the field of thermonuclear fusion. The compulsory disciplines are related with fusion reactors, fusion plasma heating and numerical modelingfor high-temperature plasma.The optional courses in this module complement student’s knowledge in area of the neutron physics,interaction of fusion plasmas with walls, fusion reactors safety, probe and spectroscopic methods for plasma diagnostics.

3. Purpose of the specialist

Graduate students from the programme”Plasma Technologies and Thermonuclear Fusion” are trained to perform the following activities:

  • to perform design, technological and research activities in the field of plasma technology or fusion.
  • to participate in the construction, installation and adjustment of technological devices based on plasma systems used in the ecology, medicine, industry, microelectronics, etc.;
  • to participate in the construction, installation and adjustment of modules, which are parts of thermonuclear systems and to investigate the plasma processes in a thermonuclear plasma by computer modeling;
  • to be able to creatively apply the global achievements in the field of plasma technology and fusion;
  • to manage and control modern plasma technology devices;
  • to organize, manage and control activities related to the operation, diagnostics and maintenance of plasma devices.

4. Requirements to the acquired competencesof the specialists

The Master of Science in “Plasma Technologies” and Master of Science in “Thermonuclear Fusion“ should have scientific, theoretical and specialized training, which includes respectively:

  • theoretical and practical knowledge related with the plasma sources and their diagnostics as well as their technological applications.
  • theoretical and practical skills in thefield of plasma physics; devices and components of thermonuclear fusions systems and plasma modeling;

5. Employment opportunities

Masters graduates will be able to work as:

  • constructors, maintenance and service specialists in the field of modern plasma technology;
  • specialists in low-temperature plasma physics (modeling, experimental measurements of plasma parameters);
  • specialists in high-temperature plasma physics (modeling, experimental measurements of plasma parameters);
  • specialists in maintenance of modules and devices used in fusion systems;
  • specialists, experts, consultants in companies and in public or private institutions related to the application of plasma technologies;
  • research and teaching staff at universities and research institutes. Graduate students will have the possibility to apply for doctorate in the field of plasma physics.

The training is mainly performed by a team of lecturers from the Department of Radiophysics and Electronics, Optics and Spectroscopy, Solid State Physics and Microelectronics. Students have the opportunity to practice not only in Bulgaria, but also in the Instituto Superior Technico (IST-Lisbon, Portugal), Brno (Czech Republic) and other universities working in this field.