| Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stanislav Stanimirov Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”, Faculty of Chemistry and pharmacy Department of Organic chemistry and pharmacognosy, room 238 1 J. Baurchier blvd, 1164, Sofia, Bulgaria Phone: +359 2 8161 451 e-mail: sstanimirov@chem.uni-sofia.bg |
Education and academic degrees
2009 – PhD in Organic chemistry
2002 – B. Sc. in chemistry, Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”
Professional experience
2009 – Assistant Professor in Organic chemistry (organic photochemistry), Department of Organic chemistry and pharmacognosy, Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”
Fellowships and research visits abroad
Max Plank Institute for Polymer research, Mainz, Germany (2007, 2008, 2013, 2014, 2015)
Boston Colleague, Boston, USA (2009)
Research interests
Organic chemistry; Organic photochemistry; Analytical Chemistry; Physicochemistry; Molecular Spectroscopy; Electronic spectroscopy; Molecular Dynamics - Transient Absorption, Fluorescence Up-Conversion, 2DUV Spectroscopy;
ORCID | Scopus ID: 6504206907 |
Organic photochemistry – Bachelor programme Chemistry (specialization Organic chemistry), 45 h
Seminars and practical exercises in Organic chemistry I and II – all bachelor programmes in FCP and FB