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Prof Ivaila Pantcheva-Kadreva, DSc

Room 424, Phone 8161 446

e-mail IPancheva@chem.uni-sofia.bg





Research areas:

Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy * Radioanalytical Chemistry * Separation and Enrichment Methods * Mathematical Methods of Modelling and Optimization of Analysis * Photochemistry * Electroanalytical Chemistry * Ecochemistry * Environmental Chemistry * Radioecology * Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry * Bioinorganic Chemistry * Archaeometry * Chemometry * Structural Analysis



1889 Lecturing in analytical chemistry introduced by Dr. Nicola Dobrev.
1891 The first textbook on analytical chemistry published by Dr. N. Dobrev.
1904 The Chair of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry established; Head, Prof. Dr. N. Dobrev.
1924 The Chair of Analytical Chemistry established; Head, Professor Dr. Z. Karaoglanov (scienific contributions in gravimetric analysis; mechanisms of precipitation reactions; electroanalytical methods; electrochemical kinetics; qualitative analysis)
1943-1971 Head, Professor Dr. Nicola Pentcheff, Corresponding Member of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (scienific contributions in analytical chemistry and geochemistry of noble gases and Bulgarian mineral waters; gravimetric analysis).
1971-1972 Head, Assoc. Prof. Lyulyana Kotcheva (ion exchange separations and chromatography; qualitative semi-microanalysis).
1972-1982 Head, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radka Christova (potentiometry; ion selective electrodes; determination of anions; ion exchange separations; analyses of ores, metals and alloys).
1982-1991 Head, Professor Dr. Stoyan Alexandrov (atomic emission spectroscopy; neutron activation analysis; radiochemical tracers; preconcentration by sorption, copreciptation, extraction; determination of noble metals and mercury; analysis of high purity substances).
1991-1999 Head, Professor Dr. Panayot R. Bontchev, D.Sci., Corresponding Member of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Catalymetric analysis; analysis of drugs and pharmaceuticals; coordination and biocoordination chemistry; electron paramagnetic resonance; organic and inorganic structural analysis).
2000-2008 Head, Professor. Dr. Dimiter L. Tsalev, D. Sci. (atomic absorption spectrometry; hydride generation; cold vapour AAS, dithiocarbamate extraction; chemical modification in electrothermal AAS; hyphenated hydride generation–ETAAS; on-line sample pretreatment in flow injection systems; biological and environmental monitoring; speciation in trace element analysis).
2008-2012 Head, Professor. Dr. Rumiana Djingova D. Sci.
2012-2020 Head, Professor. Dr. Stefan L. Tsakovsky
2020-2024 Head, Associate Professor. Dr. Anife I. Ahmedova
2024- Head, Professor. DSc. Ivayla N. Pantcheva

During the period of 1889–2005, numerous staff members have contributed to the development of analytical education and science (in alphabetical order): Dimiter BALAREV; Stefan BELTCHEV, Stefan CHRISTOV; Hristo DAIEV; Elena GANEVA, Dimiter GERILOVSKI; Radka IRIBOINOVA; Dimiter IVANOV; Maria IVANOVA; Nikolai JORDANOV; Spas KOLEV; Petko MANDJUKOV; Vesselina MICHAYLOVA; Michail MICHOFF; Georgi NIKOLOV; Georgi KANAZIRSKI; Georgi KANDILAROV; Charalampi KARASTOYANOV; Elena KOLEVA; Nikolina KULEVA; M. KURCHATOV; Donka NONOVA; Malina NOVKIRISHKA; Boris SAGORTSCHEV; Lyubka SHISHKOVA; Ivan TRIFONOV; Jowtscho TSANEV; Dragan TSCHAWDAROW; Peter TISCHKOV; Emilia VASSILEVA, Bisera EVTIMOVA.