25 Oct 2022 11:00
online at: https://meet.google.com/rzp-mfzk-pbn?pli=1
The public defense for acquisition of ONS "Doctor" under direction 1.3. Pedagogy of training in... (Methodology of training in kindergarten and primary school in physical education and sports) will be held on 25.10.2022 at 11.00 am., online at: https://meet.google.com/rzp-mfzk-pbn?pli=1
Dissertation topic: "Pedagogical model for accelerated initial training in Tae Kwon-Do for students of grades I - IV"
Chair of the National Academy of Sciences - Prof. Boryana Georgieva Tumanova, PhD
Research supervisor - Prof. Iren Yordanova Peltekova, PhD