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The poem " Wienna as a Bulgarian Umbrella" won the 4th National Competition for Literature

143 student works by Bulgarian citizens in the country and abroad competed in the forum organized by Foundation "St. Kliment Ohridski".

The jury Assist. Prof. Dr Nadezhda Alexandrova, Assist. Prof. Slaveya Dimitrova, PhD student Yanitsa Radeva stated:

The award for poetry won Dimitar Manolov, Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, for the poem " Wienna as a Bulgarian Umbrella"

The award for prose won Branimir Subev, Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, for the short story "The man who loved Stephen King".

The awards were given in the Aula on an official ceremony dedicated to 24th May, the Day of the Alphabet. They were sponsored by the donation funds of Prof. Boyan Biolchev; Chair of the Foundation Prof. Ivan Ilchev.


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