Home / News / Archive / Archive of Hot News / SU "St. Kliment Ohridski" owns a resort complex in Kiten

SU "St. Kliment Ohridski" owns a resort complex in Kiten

The complex has three conference halls (one with 60 seats and two with 30), a restaurant/canteen and garden with 100 seats, a snack bar and a separate yard.

The complex has a computer lab with internet connection and Wi-Fi. It hosts a number of conferences, symposia, and seminars annually. Its capacity is 80 rooms with 2, 3 and 4 beds.

The complex organizes scientific events in May, June, the beginning of July, and after the 15th September.

A number of rooms can be used for your rest from 1st June to 16th September. The prices in June and September is 15 BGN, and 20 BGN during the season.



e-mail: sutdkiten@yahoo.com

Tel: 0550/36917; fax 0550/36617; 0878 252 858