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Hristo Iliev, Department of Quantum Electronics, won a PhD student competition

After a close-run competition and three-stage selection procedure, Karoll announced the winner of a PhD student competition: Hristo Iliev, PhD student at Department of Quantum Electronics, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University.

The topic of his thesis "Generation of short laser impulses in the near infrared spectrum at wavelength 1 and 2 micrometers" is of great importance for future development of laser technology. The research is part of a project managed by Assoc. Prof. Ivan Bachvarov (PhD student's supervisor), which aims at developing a new source of adaptable laser in the spectrum around 3 micrometers. This type of lasers will have a vast applicability in brain surgery, polymers, and nanotechnology.

The main results of the PhD student's research have been published in journals with the highest impact factor in the field - Optics Letters and Optics Express. Karoll will support science by awarding the student with a ten-month grant.


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