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Graduate with a Master's Degree in Bulgarian Philology won a European awadr in journalism

Daniela Gotcheva won the national competition "Together against Discrimination" for the European Union Journalist Award with the article "Winfred’s odyssey or how to end up in a legal vacuum"

Daniela was born in Rudosem, graduated in Bilgarian Philology from Sofia University, lives in Holland. She has been publishing and editing "Dialogue", a monthly magazine for politics, culture and history. It was meant to bridge different cultures.

Eight years in a row the only competition for journalists from the Internet and paper media compete by discussing issues of discrimination and diversity in EU. This year's award for Bulgaria was given to Daniela at an official ceremony in the EU Information Centre on 24th February, 2012. Further information can be found on the official websiate of the competition.

Original source: http://www.rudozemdnes.eu