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Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics students won the National Competition in Programming

Programmer who graduated Sofia University won the competition of Musala Soft and PC Magazine Bulgaria.

Bulgarian President patronized the final stage of the competition in programming of Musala Soft and PC Magazine Bulgaria on 4th May. The competition took place in six stages and a final face-to-face stage. This year, an online version of the final stage for fans was organized for the first time.

The competition gives an opportunity for the talented young people to develop. The winners are: third place for Georgi Atsev, fourth-year students at Sofia University; next is the second in the world competition in programming, Rumen Hristov, a student from Shoumen; first came Veselin Georgiev, alumnae of Sofia University. The Vice-Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr Zhelyu Vladimirov congratulated the winners and wished them further success.

For further information please see here: http://konkurs.musala.com/index.php

Tsvetomira Minkova (abridged)