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Celebrations for 24th May, the Day of Slavonic Alphabet, Bulgarian Enlightenment and Culture

The Day was officially celebrated by the Academia.

The Academic Council joined the solemn procession. The opening of the official celebrations was given at Sts Cyril and Methodius monument by a speech delivered by Alek Popov. The celebration in the Aula started by Prof. Ivan Ilchev, the Rector, followed by an academic speech by the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Prof. Tony Spasov.

The Academic celebration also included awarding the winners of the 6th National Literature Competition for a poem and short story, supported by Foundation St Kliment Ohridski. The award for poetry was given to Nevena Borisova for her "Monologue under the Sky", and the short story "Pencil" by Georgi Gerov won the other award.

The grant of Foundation named after Blaga Dimitrova was given to Radostina Diyanova, student of Master's Degree programme Slavic Philology.

The celebrations continued with a musical programme, delivered by the Faculty of Preschool and Primary School Education.