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Bulgaria in Europe, Europe in Bulgaria: two partners and one challenge

Mr. Pavel Samecki - Regional Policy Commissioner of the EU visited Sofia University. He delivered a lecture on "Bulgaria in Europe, Europe in Bulgaria: two partners and one challenge"

Mr Samecki was welcomed by Prof. Petkov, Vice-Rector. The Commissioner introduced the foundation, goals and achievements of the regional policy.The aim of his visit was stated as monitoring the impact of the cohesion policy; he announced that this policy helps the countries to overcome the developmental difficulties they have. He added that the differences of the standard of the different EU countries are worrying, that many rural regions decreased drastically in population while many cities have a rapidly growing population which they are not capable of coping with.

Mr. Samecki concluded that his duty is also to guarantee the EU funding investitions to be strategic, effective; to comply with the law and to be used timely and professionally.
