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Andrey Kovachev: Bulgaria is not a Greek crutch for blocking Macedonia on its EU integration way

We make a great difference between the Macedonian citizens and the political, media and academic elite. We do not want to block Macedonian citizens on their EU integration way: on the contrary, Bulgaria should help.

This was stated by MEP Andrey Kovachev during a debate on Macedonia and Western Balkans – European perspectives and risks. The debate was held in the Aula of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. It was organized by the Bulgarian Cultural Club Skopje (Abroad Representation "Peyo Yavorov"), Discussion Club 280, Student Union "Ego Politico" and Youth Conservative Club.

“The only thing Bulgaria did in December 2012 is that not only the Bulgarian Parliament members, but also the Bulgarian Government officially exposed the problems between Bulgaria and Macedonia”, stated Kovachev.

In Macedonia, they tried to increase the anti-Bulgarian rhetoric after announcing the Bulgarian position on Macedonian membership in the EU. There is discrimination towards Macedonian who openly state their Bulgarian ethnic origin, said the Bulgarian MEP. “We must send the same signal to both our neighbours in Macedonia and our fellow nationals there, who are not forgotten. I am positive that the cure for overcoming confrontations is the EU. Based on compromises and tolerance, the confrontation and separation should be overcome”, said Kovachev.

“I do not know why are they insulted by the definition Slavic Macedonian in Macedonia? They believe they are the ancient Macedonian. These ideas date back to Tito’s time”, he added.

Original by Ekaterina Panova, http://www.focus-news.net



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