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Academic celebration dedicated to the 70 year anniversary of the birth of Prof. Marko Semov

The Aula was full of public figures, scientists, Members of the Parliament, lecturers and students gathered to honour Prof. Marko Semov.

Prof. Semov left 45 books: traveller's notes, essays, short stories, etc. He was one of the favourite lecturers of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication. Atanas Semov, his son, granted Prof. Dojno Dojnev, Chair of the Bulgarian Committee "Vasil Levski", on behalf of Foundation "Marko Semov"

The first volume of the special collection of Prof. Marko Semov's works and the book by Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo Hristov "Marko Semov in the memory of his contemporaries" were vailable for the first time.
