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25th November is Sofia University Patron's Day

Sofia University academic tradition commemorates the Patron, St. Kliment Ohridski by a solemn procession to the memorial of the Teacher. The procession then went through the main entrance and towards the Aula, where the official ceremony started.

Prof. Boyan Biolchev opened the ceremony and then gave the floor to the Rector for an address. Next an academic speech was delivered by Prof. Zdravko Lalchev.

Prof. Albena Chavdarova read the list of awarded academic titles and gave, together with the Rector, the diplomas of the professors granted the title between 25th November, 2011 and 25th November, 2012.

Addresses were issued by Sergey Ignatov, Minister and the Internal Affairs Secretary on behalf of the President, Mr. Rosen Plevneliev.

Prof. Ilchev and the Mayor, Mrs. Yordanka Fandukova awarded the Municipality Award for best young scientist of Sofia University for 2012 to Chief Assit. Prof. Iva Pushkarova. The second plate was given to Prof. Zdravko Lalchev. He also received the Grand Award for Science and Research for 2012.

Assoc. prof. Milena Stefanova and Prof. Ilchev awarded the annual grants for 2012.

The annual grant of Evlogy and Christo Georgiev was given to the third-year student Georgy Stoychev, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics.

The annual grant named after Mrs. Nadezhda Dzhaneva for a student of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication was given to Stefka Dobreva, speciality Journalism.

The annual grant named after Mr. Mladen Mladenov was given to Atanas Kutzev, Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication.

The ceremony also included a musical programme organized by the Faculty of Preschool and Primary School Education.