David Morrow, Senior Scientific Program Manager - ATMP and VIIM Platforms of EATRIS – European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine, held presentation “EATRIS ATMP and VIIM Platforms and the new landscape of translational medicine” at the WORKSHOP “EATRIS-BULGARIA – CONSOLIDATION OF NATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE CAPACITY IN TRANSLATION MEDICINE”.
The Workshop took place on 5th November in the Sheraton Sofia Hotel Balkan under the patronage of the National Infrastructure "Cell Technologies in Biomedicine" of the National Roadmap of Research Infrastructures of Bulgaria and was organized by the EATRIS – Bulgaria Node. The event aimed to reinforce the interest of the scientific community around topics of personalized medicine, latest developments in the area of induced pluripotent stem cells, challenges and perspectives for translation of this research, with focus on national developments. David presented before the audience consisting of academics from national research institutes and medical universities, but also of different other stakeholders from the public and private sector the latest developments in the ATMP Platform and current initiatives in support of the development of next generation cell and gene therapies. He focused his talk on the ISIDORE project to support researchers in development of therapies and vaccine for infectious disease, as well as on the new CANSERV project supporting the development of therapies against cancer. Great interest was shown by Bulgarian researchers to apply for services offered by the projects. The session was moderated by EATRIS National Director Prof. Rossitza Konakchieva from Sofia University. EATRIS National Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Georgi Georgiev from Faculty of Biology, Sofia University, presented the EATRIS-Plus project activities and development.
During the session the new COST action CA21151 “HAPLO-iPS: GENERATION OF HUMAN INDUCED PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS FROM HAPLO-SELECTED CORD BLOOD SAMPLES” was presented by Begoña Aran, PhD and Ester Rodriguez, PhD from IDIBELL (Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute) and P-CMR[C] (Program for Clinical Translation of Regenerative Medicine in Catalonia). Opportunities for national collaborations and perspectives of new partnerships were discussed.
More information about the events dedicated to Kliment’s Days 2022 at the Faculty of Biology, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and the Satellite Scientific Symposium “Stem Cells – New Horizon for Personalized Medicine” can be followed on the link: http://biofac.info/sss.php