Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Факултет по педагогика / Учебна дейност / бакалаври, магистри, докторанти, СДК / Магистърски програми / Факултет по педагогика / MA programs in English Language Teaching / Master program “Management of education”


Duration: 2 terms

Form of Education: full/part time

Start: summer semester, paid training


Contact information:

Assoc. Prof. Yonka Parvanova, PhD - Program Coordinator

E-mail: y.parvanova@fp.uni-sofia.bg


Svetlana Konova – Inspector

E-mail: Svetlana.konova@gmail.com

Tel.: +359(2)9308337


The master program "Management of education" is suitable for students and professionals who have already received their bachelor degrees in educational specialties (have qualification “teacher”). The program was jointly developed by the Bulgarian team of university teachers and National School of Management in Education of the University of Amsterdam. It is accredited by an international expert team and by the National Accreditation Agency in Bulgaria.

The main aim of the program is to prepare students for the carrier of professional managers who will be able to work at the all management levels of education.

At the end of their studies students will have knowledge about:

  • Аpproaches and models of management of education;
  • Functions, roles, activities, rights and responsibilities of the education manager;
  • School legislation;
  • Quality management in education and academic activities;
  • Counseling and supervision in education;


At the end of their studies students will have skills for:

  • Planning and organizing management activities of an educational institution;
  • Developing a management strategy;
  • Management of staff in educational institutions;
  • Classroom management;
  • Monitoring and quality control of the educational management and education;
  • Team work, etc.


At the end of their studies students should have professional competences in the areas of planning, organizing, carrying out and assessing management activities at the all levels of education.

Form of graduation – defending master thesis.


Admission requirements for applicants from Bulgaria and EU member countries:

  • To have completed higher education with Bachelor‘s degree awarded and a document for the acquired qualification „teacher“. The documents are submitted at 212 room (Rectorate of Sofia University, 15 Tzar Osvoboditel blvd, Sofia) or online: fp.kmk.uni-sofia.bg
  • The average grade of the applicant‘s Diploma for higher education (BA / BSc degree) is to be no less than the equivalent of Good 3,50, according to the Bulgarian system of grades.
  • Candidates will be enrolled to the Programme after an interview in English about the motives for choosing the program, interest and expectations from the training. Information about the time and place of the interview is published on the website of the Faculty of Pedagogy.


Admission requirements for applicant from non EU member countries:

  • To have completed higher education with Bachelor‘s degree awarded and a document for the acquired qualification „teacher“. The Diploma / documents must be recognized with the purpose of obtaining access to further education within the higher education system of Sofia University‚ St. Kliment Ohridski‘. The documents are submitted at the Admission office for Foreign students – see the information about application procedure for international students at the SU website – https://www.uni-sofia.bg/index.php/eng/admission/international_students
  • The average grade of the applicant‘s Diploma for higher education (BA / BSc degree) is to be no less than the equivalent of Good 3,50, according to the Bulgarian system of grades.
  • Candidates will be enrolled to the Programme after an interview in English about the motives for choosing the program, interest and expectations from the training. Information about the time and place of the interview is published on the website of the Faculty of Pedagogy.