06 Jan 2022 15:00
The defense will be held on January 6, 2022 at 3 pm, remotely at: https://meet.google.com/rzp-mfzk-pbn?pli = 1
The public discussion for obtaining the scientific degree "Doctor of Sciences" in the professional field 1.3. Pedagogy of education in ... (Methodology of education in Physical Education and Sports - judo) of Prof. Anzhelina Georgieva Yaneva – Prokopova, Ph.D, will be held at: https://meet.google.com/rzp-mfzk-pbn?pli = 1
Dissertation topic: Judo training through kata for different ages.
Chairman of the Scientific Jury: Prof. Georgi Vladimirov Ignatov, Ph.D.
Prof. Iren Yordanova Peltekova, Ph.D.
Prof. Rositsa Alexandrova Penkova, Doctor of Sciences
Assoc. Prof. Nikolina Georgieva Dimitrova, Doctor of Sciences
Prof. Georgi Vladimirov Ignatov, Ph.D.
Prof. Angel Bozhichkov Krumov, Ph.D.
Prof. Bistra Georgieva Dimitrova, Doctor of Sciences