18 Sep 2023 11:00
September 18, 2023, at 11.00 a.m. in hall 2 of the Rectorate of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
The public defense for the acquisition of the scientific degree “Doctor” in the scientific field 1.3. Pedagogy of teaching in ... (Methodology of teaching in Physical Education and Sports)
Dissertation topic: “Impact of movement skills and anthropometric parameters for achieving specific karate precision”.
Chairman of the Scientific Jury - Prof. Georgi Vladimirov Ignatov, Ph.D.
Research supervisor – Assoc. prof. Evgeni Simeonov Yordanov, Ph.D.
Prof. Angelina Georgieva Yaneva-Prokopova, D.Sn.
Prof. Radoslav Mitkov Penov, Ph.D.
Prof. Georgi Vladimirov Ignatov, Ph.D.
Prof. Angel Bozhichkov Krumov, Ph.D.