28 Mar 2024 14:00
The upcoming public PhD thesis defense will take place on March 28, 2024 at 2:00 pm in the Conference Hall of the FMI.
PhD thesis defense of Ralitza Liubomirova Stamenkova on "The Role of Applied Problems from the School Mathematics Course for the Learning Purposes" for awarding the educational and science degree "Doctor" in the professional field 1.3 Pedagogy of the education in …, doctoral program "Teaching methodology in mathematics and informatics ".
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Ivan Kostadinov Tonov, PhD
Chairperson of the scientific panel: Assoc. Prof. Philip Petrov Petrov, PhD - Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Abstract of Ralitza Liubomirova Stamenkova
- Prof. Petar Stoyanov Kenderov, Doctor of mathematical sciences
- Prof. Toni Kondeva Chehlarova, PhD
- Assoc. Prof. Parvan Evtimov Parvanov, PhD
Публикувано на 13.03.2024 г.