Programme Director: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valentina Kaneva
Mailing address: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Philosophy, 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., 1504 Sofia, Bulgaria
Аssoc. Prof. Dr. Valentina Kaneva
The MA Programme in Integrative Bioethics, established in 2011/2012 academic year, is the first graduate programme in bioethics in Bulgaria. The Programme offers theoretical knowledge and practical training in the interdisciplinary field of bioethics, aims to develop an integrative approach to the problems and to intensify research in the field of bioethics in Bulgaria.
The programme is designed for students with B.A., B.Sc., and M.A. degree in humanities and sciences, interested in the ethical questions, raised by the recent development of life sciences and medicine, their social and political implications.
The programme offers knowledge and training in philosophical concepts and theories, methods of ethics, ethical analysis of actions and practices. The philosophical courses aim to broaden and deepen understanding of the problems of bioethics. Students have the opportunity to obtain knowledge and discuss concrete questions, concerning the development of contemporary medicine, genetics and genomics, stem cells research, assisted reproduction, end of life care, ecology and environment protection, etc.
The graduates of the programme are qualified to undertake research work in the interdisciplinary field of bioethics. They can enter careers in governmental, non-governmental organizations and health care institutions. The programme will be particularly useful for all those confronted with ethical issues in the professions of health care, education, law and social work.
Courses offered: Ethics, Medical Ethics, Introduction to Bioethics, Philosophy of Nature, Philosophical Anthropology, Basic Philosophical Theories, Philosophy of Science, Christianity and Bioethics, Social and Ethical Aspects of Biotechnologies, BioLaw, Introduction to Genetics and Genomics, Research seminar Bioethics: Society and Politics,
Practicum/Summer School
Optional courses: Ethics of Care, Reproductive Ethics, Autonomy in Bioethics, Justice and Solidarity in Medicine, Medical Law, Enhancement of Human Capacities, Psychological Consulting and Ethics, Hospice and Palliative Care, Biology of Stem Cells.
Duration of studies: three semesters
At the end of the proposed course of study students write a master’s thesis.