Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of History / Academic Staff / Assoc. Prof. Naoum Kaytchev, PhD - Modern and Contemporary Balkan History


Head of the Department of „History of Byzantium and the Balkans“

Office Hours:
Tuesday 13.00-15.00, Room 25 А


Phone: +359 2 9308/ 378

E-mail: kaytchev@clio.uni-sofia.bg

Faculty of History
15 Tzar Osvoboditel
1504 Sofia, Bulgaria



Curriculum Vitae

  • 1987–1992 – studied history at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. MA thesis: “The Educational Life in Salonica (1878-1908)”.
  • 1994–1995 – Visiting PhD student at St Edmund Hall, Oxford University, UK.
  • 1994–1998 – PhD student at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”: Department of Byzantine and Balkan History.
  • 1998 – Doctoral degree. Topic of dissertation: “Macedonia in Serbian and Bulgarian Public Consciousness: Images and Notions Cultivated by the Army and the School (1878-1912) ”
  • 2002 – Assistant Professor in Modern Balkan History, Sofia University.
  • 2015 – Associate Professor in Modern and Contemporary Balkan History

Administrative positions:

  • 1999–2001 – Consul General of Bulgaria in Toronto, Canada.
  • 2007–2010 – Consul General of Bulgaria in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia.
  • since 2015 – Head of the Department of "History of Byzantium and the Balkans"


  • Greece: University of Athens (1995);
  • Serbia: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade (1997);
  • Hungary: Central European University, Radio Free Europe Archive, Budapest (1998);
  • Croatia: University of Zagreb (2005).


Research Interests

  • National Identities in Southeastern Europe; Educational institutions and schoolbooks in Southeastern Europe; History of Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia, 19th-20th c.

Selected Publications


  1. Илирия от Варна до Вилах: хърватското национално възраждане, сърбите и българите (до 1848 г.). София: Парадигма, 2015
  2. Македонийо, възжелана: армията, училището и градежът на нацията в Сърбия и България (1878-1912). С., изд."Парадигма", 2003, 312 p.


  • Григор Пърличев и Братя Миладинови: нови изследвания и прочити. София: УИ „Св. Климент Охридски“, 2011.


  1. Children into Adults, Peasants into Patriots: Army and Nation-Building in Serbia and Bulgaria (1878–1912). – In: Benjamin Fortna (ed.). Childhood in the Ottoman Empire and After. Leiden: Brill, 2015, 115-140.
  2. Between Science and National Emancipation: Bulgarian Geography Textbooks on the Kingdom of Greece and Greeks (before the Crimean War). – Études Balkaniques, 2015, № 1, 47–58.
  3. Living on the Edge of Christendom: Some Eighteenth-century Croatian Perceptions of Europe and its Borders, in: Maria Baramova, Grigor Boykov, Ivan Parvev (eds.), Bordering Early Modern Europe. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2015, 141–147.
  4. Being Macedonian: Different Types of Ethnic Identifications in the Contemporary Republic of Macedonia. – Politeja (Krakow, Poland), № 30 (2014), 122–131.
  5. Българите във Вардарска Македония в двустранните отношения на България с Югославия и Република Македония (1944–2012) – Македонски преглед, 36, 2013, №3, 63–82.
  6. Политика Болгарии по отношению к обществам македонских беженцев (1944–1989). – Славяноведение [Москва], 2009. № 5, 39–50.
  7. Bugarska i Makedonski čvor: od Stanka Vraza i Konstantina Miladinova do Europske unije. – Hrvatska revija [Zagreb], 2007, br. 3, 50–54.
  8. „Гоцевият ден и Илинден у нас са популярни“: македонските бежански дружества в България и държавната политика по македонския въпрос (1944–1989). В: Преломни времена. Юбилеен сборник в чест на професор Любомир Огнянов. София: УИ „Св. Климент Охридски“, 2006, 485–512.
  9. IMRO groupings in Bulgaria after the Second World War - in: Pettifer, James (ed.) The New Macedonian Question. London., 1999, 167-183 (в съавторство с Иванка Недева).
  10. Bulgarian Nationalism, Articulated by the Textbooks in Modern Bulgarian History. 1878-1996. - In: Internationale Schulbuchforschung [Braunschweig, Germany], 20, 1998, 51-70 (with Snezhana Dimitrova).
  11. "The Happiness and Progress of the Nation are Attainable Only Provided that Not a Single Part of this Body Hurts…": Bulgarian Historical Education and Perspectives of the National Identity. - Балканистичен форум, 1999, кн. 1-3, 56-90 (with Snezhana Dimitrova).
  12. "Драга отаџбино, како си лепа": националне идентификациjе и представе о Македониjи, стваране посредством уџбеника књижевности у Бугарскоj и Србиjи (1878-1912). - Годишњак за друштвену историjу [Белград], 1997, № 2-3, 147-177.
  13. Английски предложения за сепаративен мир с България от 1915 до 1918 година. - Военноисторически сборник, 1996, кн. 5, 7-16.
  14. Българската църква и просвета в Костурско (1900-1912). - Македонски преглед, 14, 1991, №3, 90-108.