Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Биологически факултет / Катедри и самостоятелни звена / Катедри / Клетъчна биология и биология на развитието / Преподаватели / проф. дбн Елена Стефанова - хоноруван преподавател


тел: 02 8167 213
e-mail: stephanova@biofac.uni-sofia.bg

Служебен Адрес Драган Цанков № 8, София-1164, България
каб. № 224, приемно време: вторник и четвъртък от 14-16 ч.
Заемана длъжност Професор по клетъчна биология
Основни дейности и отговорности Лектор на два основни курса "Цитология" и "Клетъчна биология" на студенти от бакалавърска степен на обучение.
Лектор на курса "Архитектура и функции на клетъчното ядро"за студенти от магистърска степен на обучение
Ръководител на катедра Цитология, хистология и ембриология.
Ръководител на магистърска програма по Клетъчна биология и патологи
Преподавателски опит 1977 - 1980 - асистент в катедрата по "Цитология, хистология и ембриология",
1980 - 1985 - ст.ас. в същата катедра
1985 - 1990 - гл.ас. в същата катедра
1992 - редовен доцент в същата катедра
2008 - редовен професор в същата катедра
Курсове Клетъчна биология,
Архитектура и функции на клетъчното ядро,
Клетъчно култивиране - модул "Култивиране на животински клетки"
Образование 1965-1970, висше, биология-производствен профил
Биологически факултет, Софийски Университет "Св. Кл. Охридски"
Специалност Клетъчна биология, шифър 01.06.18
Придобитата квалификация 1981 - 6 м. Московски Университет
1993 - 3м. /грант/ Университета в Лиеж, Белгия
1994 - 1г. Брюкселския Университет
1996 - 2м. Университета в Севиля, Испания
1996 - 2м. Университета в Болоня, Италия
1998 - 14 дена Университета в Страсбург, Франция
1999 - 14 дена Университета в Севиля, Испания - научен обмен,гост лектор по покана на Министерството на образованието - Испания
2001 - 2004 гост-лектор в Университета в Севиля, Испания по линията на Програма Socrates/Erasmus Проект 67256-ІС-1999-BG-ERASMUS-EPS-l institutionel de l'Universite de Sofia
Организационни умения и компетенции Организиране на курсове и разработване на учебни програми
Осигуряване на високо квалифицирани преподаватели за обучение на студентите от магистърските програми
Организиране и координиране на мобилен обмен на студенти и преподаватели от катедрата по различните образователни и научни Европейски програми
Организиране и оборудване на учебни лаборатории и лаборатории за научни изследвания на преподаватели, докторанти и дипломанти.
Организиране и провеждане на практически курсове, научни семинари
Координиране подготовката на студентите от магистърските програми при разработване и защита на дипломните работи
Научни публикации

1. Todorova R., Moskova, V., Stefanova N., Topouzova-Hristova T., Ivanov I., Stephanova E., M. Dimitrova. Fluorescent localization of dipeptidyl peptidase IV in cultured cells with the substrate Gly-Pro-4-hydrazido-N-hexyl-1,8-naphthalimide (submitted, 2008)

2. Stephanova E., T. Topouzova-Hristova, R. Hazarosova, V. Moskova. Halothane-induced alterations in cellular structure and proliferation of A549 cells. Tissue & Cell, 40: 397-404, 2008.

3. Stephanova E., T. Topouzova-Hristova, R. Konakchieva. Mitochondria are involved in stress-response of A549 alveolar cells to halothane toxicity. Toxicology in vitro, 22: 688-694, 2008.

4. Stephanova E., R. Valcheva., T. Topouzova-Hristova., Z. Lalchev. Influence of volatile anaesthetics on lung cells and lung surfactant. Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq., 22: 393-398, 2007.

5. Topouzova-Hristova T., R. Hazarosova, B. Bandreva, E. Stephanova. Halothane does not directly interact with genome DNA of A549 cells. Folia Biologica (Praha), 53: 176-182, 2007.

6. Topouzova-Hristova T., E. Stephanova. Sensibility of the lung cells to penthrane (comparative characteristic). The Science, the Education and the Art in 21st Century - I Balkan Scientific Conference, 2007 (in press).

7. Moskova V., R. Todorova, I. Ivanov, G. Balabanov, E. Stephanova, M. Dimitrova. Investigation of tripeptidyl peptidase I distribution in liver cells. Sci. Conference Intern. Part., St. Zagora, Human medicine, IV, ISBN: 978-954-9329-414, 296-301, 2007.

8. Topouzova-Hristova T., E. Stephanova. A new look at the mode of action of halogenated anesthetics on human lung cells. Sci. Conference Intern. Part., St. Zagora, Human medicine, IV, ISBN: 978-954-929-414, 202-207, 2007.

9. Valtcheva-Sarker R., E. Stephanova, K. Hristova, G. Altankov, A. Momchilova, R. Pankov. Halothane affects focal adhesion proteins in the A549 cells. Mol. Cell Biochem., 295: 59-64. 2007.

10. Стефанова Е. Автореферат на дисертацията за научна степен дбн "Молекулна организация на ядрени домени", 2006.

11. Topouzova-Hristova T., N. Stefanova, E. Stephanova. Comparative analysis of ultrastructural changes in lung cells caused by stress factors. Sci. Conference Intern. Part., St. Zagora, Human medicine, IV: 138-142, 2006.

12. Srebreva L., V. Mikhaylova, E. Stephanova, N. Kostova and D. Мarkov. Is histone H1o present in cell nucleoli? Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 59: 453-458, 2006.

13. Topouzova-Hristova T., P. Daza, G. Herdugo, E. Stephanova. Volatile anaesthetic halothane causes DNA damage in A549 lung cells. Toxicology in vitro, 20: 585-593, 2006.

14. Valtcheva R., K. Hristova, R. Pankov, E. Stephanova. Quantitative analyses of halothane impact on paxillin in lung carcinoma cell line A549. Proceedings of the Balkan Scientific Conference of Biology, Part 2: 63-70, 2005.

15. Topouzova-Hristova T., E. Stephanova. Inhalation anesthetics provoke reorganization of nuclear components in human bronchial cells. Proceedings of the Balkan Scientific Conference of Biology, Part 1: 522-530, 2005.

16. Valtcheva R., E. Stephanova, Z. Lalchev, G. Altankov, R. Pankov, S. Kalenderova. Changes in A549 cells morphology in response to the toxic effect of halothane. Acta morphologica et anthropologica, 10: 126-130, 2005.

17. Topouzova-Hristova T., V. Moskova, E. Stephanova. Effect of inhalation anesthetics on the mitochondrial structure and secretory activity of human alveolar cells. Acta morphologica et anthropologica, 10: 131-136, 2005.

18. Valtcheva R., A. Jordanova, R. Todorov, Z. Lalchev, R. Pankov, E. Stephanova. Comparative analysis of phospholipids and proteins originated from native and cellular alveolar surfactants. Sci. Conference Intern. Part., St. Zagora, Human medicine, IV: 82-87, 2005.

19. Topouzova-Hristova T., E. Stephanova. Reorganization in nuclear structures of lung cells under the oxidative stress conditions. Sci. Conference Intern. Part., St. Zagora, Human medicine, IV: 99-104, 2005.

20. Lalchev Z., R. Valtcheva, V. Mitev, E. Stephanova. Tensiometric study of surface activity and halothane impact on biosurfactant production on lung cells. Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem Eng Aspects, 250: 527-531, 2004.

21. Valtcheva V., E. Stephanova, G. Altankov, R. Pankov. Do anaesthetic agents impact modification of proteins, localized in the focal adhesions? Sci. Conference Intern. Part., St. Zagora, Human medicine, IV: part 1, 53-57, 2004.

22. Topouzova T., V. Moskova, E. Stephanova. Ultrastructural changes in A 549 cells caused by inhalation anaesthetics. Sci. Conference Intern. Part., St. Zagora, Human medicine, IV: part 1, 48-52, 2004.

23. Nedeva T., V. Petrova, D. Zamfirova, E. Stephanova, A. Kujumdzieva. Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase in yeast mitochondria - a general phenomenon. FEMS Microbiology Lett., 230: 19-25, 2004.

24. Moskova V., M. Pesheva, E. Stephanova. Preliminary studies for cytogenetic effect of halothane on human A 549 cells and yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Ann. de l'Univ. de Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski", 96: 199-204, 2004.

25. Valtcheva R., E. Stephanova, Z. Lalchev. The volatile anesthetic halothane induces both cytotoxicity response and cytoskeletal reorganization in lung cells. Sci. Conference Intern. Part., St. Zagora, Human medicine, 3: 62-65, 2003.

26. Valtcheva R, E. Stephanova, A. Jordanova, R. Pankov, G. Altankov, Z. Lalchev. Effect of halothane on lung carcinoma cells A 549. Chem. Biol. Interactions, 146: 191-200, 2003.

27. Тopouzova T, P. Daza, G. Herdugo, E. Stephanova. Assessment of genotoxicity of volatile anesthetic penthrane to human lung cells. Ann. de l'Univ. de Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski", 95: 47-52, 2003.

28. Тopouzova T, F. Moreno, P. Daza, E. Stephanova. Cytotoxic effect of inhalation anesthetics on human lung cells. Ann. de l'Univ. de Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski", 95: 53-58, 2003.

29. Valtcheva R., V. Prod'Homme, E. Stephanova, M. Hallet. Construction of pIRES hyg/B 18, a vector for stable exrpession of HLA - B 18 in mammalian cells; Ann. de l'Univ. de Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski", 95: 67-74, 2003.

30. Valtcheva R., V. Prod'Homme, E. Stephanova, M. Hallet. Construction of pGEX.2T/ IE1, a prokaryotic expression vector, coding for a GST-IE1 fusion protein. Ann. de l'Univ. de Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski", 95: 75-82, 2003.

31. Valtcheva R., E. Stephanova, G. Altankov, Z. Lalchev. Changes in adhesive properties of A549 cells due to the effect of volatile anesthetics, In: Proc. Balkan Sci. Conference XXI Century The Balkans Sci., Kardzhali, 450-454, 2002.

32. Moskova V., Тopouzova T., E. Stephanova. Induction of apoptosis in human cancer cell line A549, In: Proc. Balkan Sci. Conference XXI Century The Balkans Sci., Kardzhali, 441-444, 2002.

33. Kostova N., E. Stephanova, D. Markov. Effect of Mg2+ cations on the ultrastructure of nucleolar remnants in rat liver cells. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 52: 121-124, 1999.

34. Szpirer C., J. Szpirer, F. Tissir, E. Stephanova, P. Vanvooren, T. Kurtz, N. Iwai, T. Inagami, M. Pravenec, V. Kren, K. Klinga - Levan, G. Levan. Rat chromosome 1: regional localization of seven genes (Slc9a3, Srd5a1, Esr, Tcp1, Grik5, Tnnt3, Jak2) and anchoring of the genetic linkage map to the cytogenetic map. Mammalian Genome, 8: 657-660, 1997.

35. Mikhaylova V., M. Thiry, E. Stephanova, G. Goessens, D. Markov. Localization of nucleic acids in hepatocyte nucleoli of rats upon D-galactosamine-induced block of transcription. Exp. Cell Res., 225: 389-398, 1996.

36. Stephanova E., F. Tissir, N. Dusetti, J. Iovanna, J. Szpirer, C. Szpirer. The rat genes encoding the pancreatitis - associated proteins I, II and III (Pap1, Pap2, Pap3), and the lithostathin/pancreatic stone protein/regeneration protein (Reg) colocalize at 4q33 → q34. Cytogenet Cell Genet., 72: 83-85, 1996.

37. Stephanova E., R. Stancheva, Z. Avramova. Binding of sequences from the 5'- and 3'-nontranscribed spacers of the rat rDNA locus to the nucleolar matrix. Chromosoma, 102: 287-295, 1993.

38. Стефанова E. Избирателна компактизация на центромерен хетерохроматин. Ann. de l'Univ. de Sofia "Kl. Ohridski", 80: 165-176, 1992.

39. Valkov N., E. Stephanova, Z. Avramova. Immunoelectron microscopic localization of Topoisomerase II in mitotic chromosomes. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 44: 53-56, 1991.

40. Valkov N., E. Stephanova, Z. Avramova. Distribution of Topoisomerase II in chromosomes and nuclei: immunoelectron microscopic localization. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 44: 77-80, 1991.

41. Stephanova E., N. Valkov. Rat liver nucleoli: Biochemical characterization of the residual skeletal structure. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 44: 63-66, 1991.

42. Stephanova E., N. Valkov. Rat liver nucleoli. Characterization of the residual skeletal structure. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 43: 87-90, 1990.

43. Stefanova E., Yu. Chentsov. The chromocentres of the interphase nuclei of the mouse liver contain a satellite DNA. Mol. Biol. (Mosk.), Russia, 24: 501-505, 1990.

44. Stefanova E., Yu. Chentsov. Beheviour of pericentromeric heterochromatin regions under different conditions of chromosome decondensation in isolated nuclei. Mol. Biol., (Mosk.), Russia, 24: 506-513, 1990.

45. Russanova V., E. Stephanova, I. Pachev, R. Tsanev. Histone variants in mouse centromeric chromatin. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 90: 1-7, 1989.

46. Стефанова E. Метод выделения ядрышек из печени мышей. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 42: 123-126, 1989.

47. Стефанова E., В. Русанова. Характеристика белкового состава ядрышкового и тотального хроматина в печени мышей. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 42: 127-130, 1989.

48. Stephanova E., V. Russanova, Yu. Chentsov, I. Pashev. Mouse centromeric heterochromatin: isolation and some characteristics. Exp. Cell Res., 179: 545-553, 1988.

49. Стефанова E., И. Пашев. Препаративное выделение центромерного гетерохроматина. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 41: 131-134, 1988.

50. Стефанова Е. Автореферат на кандидатска дисертация "Ультраструктурные и биохимические исследования центромерного гетерохроматина", 1986.

51. Avramova Z., A. Uscheva, E. Stephanova, R. Tsanev. Trout sperm chromatin. Biochemical and immunological study of the protein composition. Eur. J. Cell Biol., 31: 137-142, 1983.

52. Lilov L., E. Stephanova, S. Spasov. Titrimetric estimation of microbiological asparaginase by the use of pH-stat. Ann. de l'Univ. de Sofia "Kl. Ohridski", 75: 67-72, 1982.

53. Spasov S., Е. Stephanova, L. Lilov. Biochemical investigations on Serratia saponaria. II Urease activity. Ann. de l'Univ. de Sofia "Kl. Ohridski", 71: 165-172, 1978.

54. Glavanakova S., D. Dryanovska, Е. Stephanova. Changes in the ratio of the sexes in F1 after irradiation with gamma rays of female and male imagos of Sitotraga cerealella Oliver. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 23: 1529-1532, 1970.

Участия в международни и национални форуми

1. Topouzova-Hristova T., E. Stephanova. Sensibility of the lung cells to penthrane (comparative characteristic). I Balkan Scientific Conference, Blagoevgrad, June 23-24, Poster session, 2007.

2. Moskova V., R. Todorova, I. Ivanov, G. Balabanov, E. Stephanova, M. Dimitrova. Investigation of tripeptidyl peptidase I distribution in liver cells. Scientific Conference with International Participation, St. Zagora, June 07-08, Human medicine Poster session, p. 63, № 31, 2007.

3. Topouzova-Hristova T., E. Stephanova. A new look at the mode of action of halogenated anesthetics on human lung cells. Scientific Conference with International Participation, St. Zagora, June 07-08, Human medicine, Poster session, p. 61, № 12, 2007.

4. Topouzova-Hristova T., N. Stefanova, E. Stephanova. Comparative analysis of ultrastructural changes in lung cells under the influence of stress factors. Scientific Conference with International Participation, St. Zagora, June 01-02, Human medicine, Poster session, р. 38, № 23, 2006.

5. Topouzova-Hristova T., E. Stephanova. Are the lung cells resistant to oxidative stress? 13th Euroconference on Apoptosis, Budapest, October 1-4, Hungary, Poster session, P-216, 2005.

6. Valtcheva R., E. Stephanova, K. Hristova, G. Altankov, R. Pankov. Quantitative changes in focal adhesion proteins, due to the toxic effect of halothane. Balkan scientific Conference of Biology, Plovdiv, May 19-21, (oral presentation), р. 19, 2005.

7. Topouzova-Hristova T., E. Stephanova. The inhalation anaesthetics provoke reorganization of nuclear components in human bronchial cells. Balkan scientific Conference of Biology, Plovdiv, May 19-21, (oral presentation), р. 15, 2005.

8. Valtcheva R., A. Jordanova, R. Todorov, R. Pankov, Z. Lalchev, E. Stephanova. Comparative analysis of surfactant phospholipids and proteins. Scientific Conference with International Participation, St. Zagora, June 02-03, Human medicine, Poster session, р. 33, № 5, 2005.

9. Topouzova-Hristova T., E. Stephanova. Alterations in nuclear structures of lung cells under the oxidative stress conditions. Scientific Conference with International Participation, St. Zagora, June 02-03, Human medicine, (oral presentation), p. 27, № 4, 2005.

10. Jordanova A., Sv. Alexandrov, R. Valtcheva, R. Todorov, E. Stephanova, Z. Lalchev. Electrophoretic, chromatographic and tensiometric studies of lung surfactant. 6th International Symposium of Clinical Anatomy, Scripta Scientifica Medica, Varna, October 8-10, Poster session, v. 36, supplement 1, p. 70, 2004.

11. Topouzova T., V. Moskova, E. Stephanova. Influence of volatile anesthetics on nuclear structure in lung cells. 6th International Symposium of Clinical Anatomy, Scripta Scientifica Medica, Varna, October 8-10, Poster session, v. 36, supplement 1, p. 103-104, 2004.

12. Тopouzova Т., V. Moskova, P. Daza, E. Stephanova. Volatile anesthetics impair human bronchial and alveolar cells, 12th Euroconference on Apoptosis, Chania, September 17-20, Greece, Poster session, P-165, 2004.

13. Valtcheva R., E. Stephanova, Z. Lalchev, R. Pankov. Changes in A 549 cell morphology as a result of toxic effect of the volatile anaesthetic halothane. Vth National Anthropological Conference with International participation, Koprivshtitsa Morphological Days, Koprivshtitsa, June 4-6, (oral presentation), 2004.

14. Topouzova T., E. Stephanova, V. Moskova. Effect of inhalation anesthetics on the mitochondrial structure and secretory activity of human alveolar cells. National Anthropological Conference with International participation, Koprivshtitsa Morphological Days, Koprivshtitsa, June 4-6, Poster session II-No 17, 2004.

15. Valtcheva R., G. Altankov, R. Pankov, E. Stephanova. Do anaesthetic agents impact proteins modification, localized in the focal adhesions? Scientific Conference with International Participation, St. Zagora, June 03-04, Human medicine, (oral presentation), p. 29, № 5, 2004.

16. Тоpouzova Т., V. Моskova, Е. Stephanova. Ultrastructural changes in A549 cells after influence of inhalation anaesthetics. Scientific Conference with International Participation, St. Zagora, June 03-04, Human medicine, (oral presentation), p. 29, № 4, 2004.

17. Moskova V., M. Pesheva, E. Stephanova. Preliminary studies for cytogenetic effect of halothane on human A 549 cells and yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Xth Jubilee Session of Faculty of Biology, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, November 20-21, (oral presentation), p. 169, 2003.

18. Valtcheva R., R. Damianova, R. Pankov, G. Altankov, Z. Lalchev, E. Stephanova. Volatile anaesthetics affect F-actin stress fibers at higher concentrations than those affecting the proteins from the focal adhesion complexes, Xth Jubilee Session of Faculty of Biology, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, November 20-21, Poster session, p. 150, 2003.

19. Тopouzova Т., R. Hazarosova, B. Bandreva, E. Stephanova. Evaluation the effect of halothane on A 549 genome. Xth Jubilee Session of Faculty of Biology, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, November 20-21, Poster session, p. 149, 2003.

20. Тopouzova Т., R. Hazarosova, E. Stephanova. Apoptotic changes in A 549 cells after halothane exposure. Xth Jubilee Session of Faculty of Biology, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, November 20-21, (oral presentation), p. 65, 2003.

21. Valtcheva R., R. Damianova, Z. Lalchev, G. Altankov, R. Pankov, E. Stephanova. Effect of the volatile anesthetics on vinculin distribution, Xth Jubilee Session of Faculty of Biology, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, November 20-21, (oral presentation), p. 62, 2003.

22. Valtcheva R., E. Stephanova, R. Pankov, G. Altankov, Z. Lalchev, Alterations in focal adhesion complexes in response to halothane, 2003, 13th BBBD & Meeting on Metabolic Disorders, Kusadasi, October 12-15, Turkey, Poster session, p.166-167, 2003.

23. Тopouzova Т., R. Hazarosova, E. Stephanova. Capability of restoration of A 549 cells after treatment with halothane, 13th BBBD & Meeting on Metabolic Disorders, Kusadasi, October 12-15, Turkey, Poster session, p. 151-152, 2003.

24. Valtcheva R., E. Stephanova, Z. Lalchev. The volatile anaesthetic halothane induces both cytotocsicity response and cytoskeletal reorganization in lung cells. Scientific Conference with International Participation, St. Zagora, June 05-06, Human medicine, (oral presentation), p. 26, № 8, 2003.

25. Valtcheva R., A. Jordanova, E. Stephanova, Z. Lalchev. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of phospholipids released in the culture medium from A549 human lung carcinoma cell line. Metabolic Engineering IV. Applied System biology, II Ciocco, Castelvecchio Pascoli, October 6-11, Italy, Poster session II, № 63, 2002.

26. Тopouzova Т., V. Moskova, P. Daza, E. Stephanova. Volatile anesthetic halothane causes cell damage. Metabolic Engineering IV. Applied System biology, II Ciocco, Castelvecchio Pascoli, October 6-11, Italy, Poster session II - № 62, 2002.

27. Valtcheva R., V. Prod'homme, E. Stephanova, M. Hallet. Construction of pIRES hyg/ B 18, a vector for stable expression of HLA - B 18 in mammalian cells, IXth Jubilee Scientific Session of Biological Faculty, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, November 29-30, Poster session, p 190, 2001.

28. Valtcheva R., V. Prod'homme, E. Stephanova, M. Hallet. Construction of pGEX.2T/IE1, a prokaryotic expression vector, coding for a GST-IE1 fusion protein, IXth Jubilee Scientific Session of Biological Faculty, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, November 29-30, Poster session, p. 193, 2001.

29. Тopouzova Т., P. Daza, E. Stephanova. Assessmеnt of genotoxicity of volatile anesthetic halothane to human lung cells, IXth Scientific Session of Biological Faculty, Sofia, November 29-30, Poster session, p. 160 - 161, 2001.

30. Тopouzova Т., P. Daza, E. Stephanova. Assessment of genotoxicity of volatile anesthetic penthrane to human lung cells, IXth Scientific Session of Biological Faculty, Sofia, November 29-30, Poster session, p. 162 - 163, 2001.

31. Тopouzova Т., F. Moreno, P. Daza, E. Stephanova. Assessment of cytotoxic effect of inhalation anesthetics on human lung cells, IXth Scientific Session of Biological Faculty, Sofia, November 29-30, Poster session, p.158 - 159, 2001.

32. Topouzova T., E. Stephanova. Identification of specific proteins - markers for nucleolar activity. VIIIth Jubilee Scientific Session of Biological Faculty, Sofia, May 27-28, Poster session, p. 112 - 113, 1999.

33. Kostova N., T. Topouzova, E. Stephanova. Effect of modulation of Mg ++ cations on the nucleolar remnant structures. VIIIth Jubilee Scientific Session of Biological Faculty, Sofia, May 27-28, Poster session, p. 114 - 115, 1999.

34. Srebreva L., V. Mikhaylova, E. Stephanova, D. Markov. Localization of histone H1 and nucleolin in nucleolar domain structures. VIIIth Jubilee Scientific Session of Biological Faculty, Sofia, May 27-28, Poster session, p. 116 - 117, 1999.

35. Stephanova E., F. Moreno, G. Garcia-Herdugo. Localization of nucleolar proteins with autoimmune serum and NOR silver staining. XIth Balkan Biochemical & Biophysical Days, Thessaloniki, May 15-17, Greece, Poster session, p. 134, № 421, 1997.

36. Stephanova E., J. Iovanna, J. Szpirer, C. Szpirer. Localisation of the PAP genes to rat chromosomes using FISH technique. XIVth International Workshop on the Cell Nucleus, Spa, May 27-31, Belgium, (oral presentation), p. 67, № 83, 1995.

37. Stephanova E., R. Petrova, Z. Avramova. Distribution of the ribosomal genes with respect to the nucleolar matrix. IXth Balkan Biochemical & Biophysical Days, Thesaloniki, May 21-23, Greece, Poster session, p. 172, 1992.

38. Stephanova E., Z. Avramova. Structural organization of ribosomal DNA genes in rat liver nucleoli. XIIth European Workshop on the Cell Nucleus, Le Diablerets, September 02-06, Switzerland, Poster session, 101, 1991.

39. Stephanova E., Z. Avramova. Structural organization of ribosomal DNA genes in rat liver nucleolus. XIth Nuclear Workshop, Suzdal, September 18-23, Russia, Poster session, p. 170, 1989.

40. Stephanova E., N. Valkov, Z. Avramova. Morphology of the nucleolar matrix after treatment with chemical reagents. Xth Jubilee National Congress of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology with International Participation, St. Zagora, May 25-28, Poster session, p. 100, 1989.

41. Stephanova E., V. Russanova, I. Pachev. Mouse pericentromere chromatin: isolation and some characteristics. Fourth International Congress of Cell Biology, Montreal, Quebec, August 14-19, Canada, Poster session, 289, p8.2.14, 1988.

42. Stephanova E. Method for isolation of nucleoli from interphase nuclei and partial characterization of nucleolar chromatin. Jubilee Scientific Session of Biological Faculty, 100 Anniversary, SU "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, November 20-21, Poster session, p. 41, 1988.

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