Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics / Procedures for science degrees and academic positions / Procedures for holding academic positions / Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics - Archive / Competition for the academic position of "Professor" in a professional field 4.6. Informatics and Computer Science (Software technologies - network programming, cloud technologies and web technologies), announced in State Gazette No. 48 of June 28, 2022


The only candidate is: Associate Professor Milen Yordanov Petrov, PhD

Chairperson of the scientific panel: Prof. Olga Ilieva Georgieva, PhD, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"



1. Publications summary of Assoc. Prof. Milen Yordanov Petrov, PhD






The final meeting of the Scientific Jury will take place on November 11, 2022


Published: 24.10.2022