The S-Lifestyle campaign ended successfully on October 3rd, the opening day of the new academic year 2022/2023. The project was launched on September 19th with the support of the EU Erasmus+ program, Center for Human Resources Development, European Youth Portal, Univer City and Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.
The aim of the campaign was to inspire more people to introduce sustainable practices into their daily lives and enable the necessary environmental changes to build the sustainable cities of the future. Because sustainability starts with small steps!
The question is not “What can I do” but what we can do together – from recycling and renting clothes to remote working and using electric cars to reducing food waste and using efficient heating.
The old values for sustainable development were presented, as well as the new introductions for a sustainable way of life and use of the building of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and all existing buildings through:
- Reducing the use of single-use plastic
- Separate collection
- Use of outdoor spaces
- Protection of flowers and water walls
- Use of different forms of sustainable transport
- Involvement in volunteer actions of student organizations
During the campaign, 4 videos were created on different topics, directly related to the sustainable lifestyle.
You can watch the videos on the YouTube channel of The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration here:
On the day of the closing of the S-Lifestyle campaign, “framed” photos were taken of all those who committed to become part of the project, whose team, led by Assoc. Dr. Marina Stefanova, lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and director of the master’s program “Responsible and Sustainable Governance”, and in the new academic year will continue to create opportunities and ideas for sustainable studentship.