Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / The BA program "Accounting, Finance and Digital Applications" is officially part of the cooperation program with the CFA Institute




The degree program "Accounting, Finance and Digital Applications" (in English) is officially part of the program of cooperation with the CFA Institute. On the website of the most renowned and influential international organization in the world in the field of financial and investment analysis for the first time Bulgaria is presented as a partner by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEBA) of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski”.


The participation of the bachelor's program "Accounting, Finance and Digital Applications" (in English) in the program of cooperation with the CFA Institute is a guarantee of quality and timeliness of the taught material. The cooperation presupposes annual monitoring of the taught topics according to the novelties in the issues included in the examinations for obtaining the Certificate of Financial Analyst (CFA). Benefits for students enrolled in Accounting, Finance and Digital Applications (in English) include seven scholarship places for a free first-level CFA certification exam on an annual basis.

The accreditation by the CFA Institute is another recognition for the degree program, which is also recognized by the International Professional Organization "The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales".