Students from the new bachelor programme "Accounting, Finance and Digital Applications", accredited by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), now registered under the ICAEW Student Scheme
On 12th of November 2019, the students from the new bachelor programme “Accounting, Finance and Digital Applications”, accredited by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wells (ICAEW), were successfully registered under the ICAEW Student Scheme (USS).
Mrs. Joanna Szychowska, ICAEW Business Development Manager for Central and Eastern Europe, guided the registration process and explained the benefits from the scheme.
After their registration students will have a free access to a whole host of learning materials, which will help them to prepare for the accredited module exams and receive their Certificates in Finance, Accounting and Business (CFAB) after the successful graduation of the bachelor programme.