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Irena Joteva, manager and owner of HILL International Bulgaria, was a guest lecturer in the master's program “Facility Management” at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

Ms. Joteva compared the generations of baby boomers, X, Y (millennials), Z (Digital natives) – their attitudes, work habits, desire to work and what facility managers should know when providing services to these generations.


“Gen Y are more extroverted, with visible expression of emotion, like to be around people and work with people, and like to be in the 'focus' to be noticed. On the other hand, generation Z are more closed, it is more difficult to initiate contact, they prefer to be alone or in a narrow circle or in an unfamiliar environment”.

This also reflects on the way facility managers should provide their services to future generations entering the labor market. Since Gen Z are more suspicious and more irritable if something doesn't happen according to their expectations, facility managers need to be much more careful and approach them in a calmer way. Facility managers must focus on the details that matter to the new generation. The current generations that are in the labor market are much more socially responsible, and for them the workplace is more about the experience – just the job for facility managers.