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FEBA has Introduced a New Online System for Semester Schedules and Lecture Hall Reservations


A new online system for the management of student schedules, semester course schedules and lecture hall reservations for the summer semester of the 2019/2020 academic year has been launched in the main building of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski”- Block 3, 125 “Tsarigradsko Shose” Blvd. - feba.edupage.org/timetable.

The new system shows in real time the schedule for every day and week of the semester and the exam session. It provides the following information:

  • Students calendar - by courses, programs and groups;
  • Academic staff` calendar – what courses they teach and where;
  • Halls calendar – for the better management of one-off events.


The bachelor’s courses and master's programs are shown with their weekly schedules.


  • Enrollment for the elective disciplines for the summer semester for bachelor students is scheduled for the period 05/02/2020-02/14/2020, with the possibility of changing one’s choice from 02/17/2020 to 02/21/2020.
  • The Campaign for enrollment for the elective disciplines in the masters’ programs will open in early March 2020.
  • Optional courses are attended by the students’ personal choice and the grades from these are not included in the overall achievement score; the accumulated additional credits obtained from these courses cannot compensate for the credits from the compulsory and elective courses.


In addition to the feba.edupage.org online portal, the building visitors and users can view the schedule of each room by scanning the QR code placed on the door.

If you have ideas for improving the online system, you can write to the Dean's Office ( Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atanas Georgiev - Dean; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Zlatinov – Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs) and System Administrator Assist. Iliya Atanasov .

