On 4 April Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atanas Georgiev, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, participated in a panel discussion on the state of the investment process in an international, European, regional and national context through the prism of the investment regime in energy and the big open problems in this respect. The discussion was part of the program of the International conference "The Clean Energy Package and Energy Investments - Realities and Challenges", organized in Stara Zagora on April 4 and 5 by the Energy Management Institute with the support of Eurelectric - the association of the Energy Business in Europe.
Assoc. Prof. Georgiev presented data on global investments in the different sub-sectors of the energy industry and the challenges faced by the traditional energy industry. Participants in the panel were Prof. Krassen Stanchev (Institute for Market Economics / Facutly of Philosophy at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"), Milena Stoyanova - Head of the European Regulatory Policies and Market Development Department at ESO EAD, Georgi Stefanov - Chief Climate and Energy Expert at WWF Bulgaria and Alexandros Perelis - researcher at IENE, Greece. The panel moderator was Elena Ribak, IC Consulenten, Ukraine.