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On November 30, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of SU "St. Kliment Ohridski" – Assoc. Prof. Atanas Georgiev participated in the official opening of the hybrid forum "Renewable Energy Applications in Construction", organized by the BAU Academy. The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration is a partner of the event together with key associations and technology companies. The specialized hybrid forum is aimed at experts in the construction and architecture sectors to discuss the impact of the energy transformation on future projects, how they could apply new technologies in their design and construction, and what resources are going to be required for their operational life.

In his official welcome, Assoc. Prof. Georgiev recalled that FEBA actively participates in building expert potential for the energy sector with the Master's program "Energy Markets and Services" (offered since 2005) as well as with the Master's program "Facility Management" (offered since 2006). The two programs are offered by the Department of "Industrial Economics and Management", Headed by Assoc. Prof. Georgiev, who is also a Director of the Energy Master's program.


The Dean of FEBA also announced news from the previous day - the Academic Council of Sofia University officially decided to offer a new joint program between the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and the Faculty of Physics, which is going to be offered from January 2024 - "Nuclear Technologies, Management, and Innovations", entirely in English. The program is going to be accredited by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).


In his speech, Assoc. Prof. Georgiev noted that the security of electricity supply can be supported by the construction of renewable energy installations and their storage close to the point of consumption. He mentioned that replacing dependence on fossil fuels with renewable energy is one of the most significant measures to deal with climate change.