Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / Degree Programmes / Bachelor's Degree Programmes / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / Business Administration / Business Administration (English) - Curriculum / Italian as a second foreign language




Status: Required course

Period: First year, First and second semesters

ECTS credits: 6

Class hours: 90 lectures

Language: Italian

Requirements: Students choose one second foreign language from French, German, Italian or Spanish




It is a general Italian course for students who have none or just elementary knowledge of the language. The text book used is Nuovo Progetto italiano 1 and covers basic grammar and vocabulary needed for every day conversation equal to level A 2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The course develops basic language skills: listening and reading comprehension, writing and speaking.

Intended learning outcomes:

Listening and understanding of every day topics

Reading and understanding of short texts, personal letters and others

Speaking and participating in conversations on familiar topics

Writing short texts, letters and others