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Guide for first-year students


Schedule of classes for the academic year 2024/2025

Winter semester [I] [II] [III] [IV] [V] Practicum [I] [II] [III]

Summer semester [ I ] [ II ] [ III ] [ IV ] [V]


Exam Schedule

Winter semester 2024/2025 [ I ] [ II ] [ III ] [ IV ] [ V ]

Summer semester 2024/2025 [I] [II] [III] [IV] [V]

Supplementary exam session 2024/2025


State Exams

Procedure for conducting the State exams of the students from major Pharmacy

Syllabus First session Second session Time Room
Pharmacognosy 24-26 September 2024 27-28 January 2025 8:00 210
Pharmacology and Toxicology 02-04 October 2024 10-11 February 2025 8:00 130
Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy 16-18 September 2024 20 January 2025 8:00 501
Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis 14-16 October 2024 3 February 2025 8:00 501
Social Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Legislation 21-23 October 2024 14 February 2025 8:00 501

The identification of the written works from the second session of the state exams, held in January-February 2025, will be on February 21, 2025 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the Conference Hall.


Students of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy should pay their tuition fees by bank transfer to the following bank account:

Bulgarian National Bank - Central branch

IBAN: BG19 BNBG 9661 3100 1747 01



Form of study: full-time

Length of study (number of semesters): ten


Qualification description









Prof. Dr. Anela Ivanova

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

1 James Bourchier Blvd.

Sofia 1164, Bulgaria

Office No: 524, Tel.: ++359-2-81-61-520

E-mail: aivanova@chem.uni-sofia.bg

Prof. Anely Nedelcheva, PhD

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

1 James Bourchier Blvd.

Sofia 1164, Bulgaria

Office No: 411, Tel.: ++359-2-81-61-328

E-mail: ohan@chem.uni-sofia.bg


1. General description


“Pharmacy” is a state-regulated major, which complies with a number of national and European requirements. It is a five-year full-time M.Sc. programme organized within 10 semesters: 9 semesters study at the University and 1 semester (6 months) internship in a pharmacy. The practical skills of the students are additionally trained during 2 study internships (one in Botany and one in Pharmacognosy) and one industrial internship in Pharmaceutical Technology. All teachers are acknowledged professionals in their area of expertise, which ensures high quality of the education. Graduation takes place upon successful completion of all courses and passing of four state-acknowledged final examinations in:

  1. Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics;
  2. Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology, and Toxicology;
  3. Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis;
  4. Social Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Law.

Upon graduation, the students are awarded higher education M. Sc. diplomas in Pharmacy with professional qualification “Master of Pharmacy”.


2. Education


Eligible candidates for this programme are Bulgarian and foreign citizens who have completed their secondary education. Two admission exams have to be passed – one in Chemistry and one in Biology. The programme Pharmacy is offered both in Bulgarian and in English (teaching in English starts in the academic year 2018/2019). Foreign applicants can sit for the admission exams in English as of the summer of 2018. More information about admission and required documents may be found at the section of the Sofia University website dedicated to international students.

The professional skills of the Masters of Pharmacy are accomplished by studying 48 core and 2 elective courses. A variety of optional courses is offered, too. The disciplines include lectures, seminars, practical exercises and independent work aimed at providing the students with fundamental as well as specialized knowledge. As a result, the graduates should have the following skills and knowledge:

  • be acquainted with and be able to handle active substances used to produce pharmaceutics;
  • perform design and synthesis of pharmaceutical products;
  • have a good grasp of modern pharmaceutical technologies;
  • be able to control pharmaceutics by physical, chemical, biological, and microbiological methods;
  • understand the routes for in vivo transformation and degradation of pharmaceutical products;
  • be competent in offering appropriate use of drugs and counseling for the influence of drugs on the human organism;
  • recognize toxic substances and their action;
  • be well acquainted with drugs safety and side effects;
  • be able to evaluate scientific data about drugs and deliver accurate information based on this knowledge;
  • know the legislation related to the pharmaceutical practice.

In order to achieve these goals, during their education the students will be introduced to the properties and in vivo activity of the main classes of inorganic and organic compounds; to methods for synthesis, purification, and characterization of pharmaceutics; to basics of human anatomy, pathoanatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology; to pharmacology (mechanisms of drug action), pharmacognosy included; to mechanisms of drug degradation (pharmacokinetics) and toxicology; to characteristics and bioactivity of various pathogens (microbiology and virology); to the current pharmaceutical legislation and drug regulations; to the basic principles of health economy, pharmacoeconomics and health technologies, the national and European drug policies included; and to organization and management of pharmacies.


3. Professional competences


The graduate Masters of Pharmacy should have the following competences:

  • Creative and innovative thinking and desire for life-long learning;
  • Ability to convincingly inform and counsel in both oral and written form other medical specialists, patients, health insurance organizations, public and private hospitals and clinics, government and other state-owned of non-government bodies, etc., about drugs and pharmaceutics;
  • Use of modern IT resources for collecting, processing, analyzing and presenting information related to pharmaceutical activities;
  • Maintenance of constant contact with health bodies and organizations, health insurance funds and other structures from the pharmaceutical area;
  • Performance of marketing studies of the pharmaceutics market, including participation into pharmacoeconomic studies;
  • Good organization of own pharmacy practice, writing of business plans and specialized reports;
  • Preparation of pharmaceutics;
  • Production, testing, storage and distribution of pharmaceutics and sanitation materials;
  • Supply to, production, and storage of pharmaceutics and sanitation materials at public and hospital pharmacies;
  • Assessment and dosage of pharmaceutics and sanitation materials (after the drugs are prescribed by doctors) in public and hospital pharmacies;
  • Verification of single and daily doses of prescribed medications;
  • Assessment of the compatibility of various active substances;
  • Providing of adequate information to patients/users and offering of interchangeable medicines.


4. Career opportunities


The graduates can pursue career in the next professional fields:

  • Preparation of pharmaceutics
  • Production and control of medicines;
  • Drugs control in specialized laboratories;
  • Storage and distribution of pharmaceutics to pharmacies and hospitals;
  • Pharmaceutical counseling and expert activities.

The awarded diploma entitles its holder to employment as a pharmacist.

Other possible jobs:

  • Production, export or import of pharmaceutics and active substances of human, animal, plant, or chemical origin;
  • Official approval of pharmaceutics;
  • Quality and safety assessment of pharmaceutics and customs release of pharmaceutics shipments and bioactive substances;
  • Clinical tests of pharmaceutics;
  • Drugs safety;
  • Pharmaceutical information, pharmaceutics promotion and advertisement;
  • Wholesale and retail of pharmaceutics;
  • National drugs policy;
  • Health economics, pharmacoeconomics, health technologies;
  • Drug applicability and rational drug usage at micro- and macro-level;
  • State regulation of drug products.

The Masters of Pharmacy will be able to work in state organizations and institutions responsible for drug policy and state control of pharmaceutics; in public and societal organizations; in state-funded and private research institutes, universities, and industrial companies; in various areas of industry and distribution of pharmaceutics; in public and hospital pharmacies; in analytical laboratories; in pharmaceutical companies and sales representatives offices; in research laboratories, etc.

The diploma entitles its holders to pursue the next level of education – PhD, and to apply for obtaining other educational qualification from the same or other Universities.

The compliance with the EU directives 85/432, 85/433, 2005/36 and 2006/100 ensures mobility of the graduates, who can practice their profession in the EU member states, in other countries, which are part of the EEA, and in Switzerland, as regulated by the national legislation of the respective country.