Copenhagen Business School (CBS) is holding an international Social Entrepreneurship Summer University at Copenhagen Business School (27th June – 15th July).
There are two different courses (both give 7.5 ECTS), one introductory course for bachelor students and one business modeling course for master students. In both cases we will do site visits with interesting social entrepreneurs. Moreover, participants will work on a practical project and they will be able to submit their final product for the #impaktWISE Awards, where they have the chance to win some start-up funding.
Links to the course descriptions:
- Bachelor Level: BA-BHAAI1097U An Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship (https://kursuskatalog.cbs.dk/2021-2022/BA-BHAAI1097U.aspx)
- Master Level: KAN-CCMVI2115U Social Entrepreneurship and Business Model Innovation (https://kursuskatalog.cbs.dk/2021-2022/KAN-CCMVI2115U.aspx)
Application is open from 17 February until 15 March.
If interested, you can sign up here: https://www.cbs.dk/en/study/international-summer-university/application-and-fees