Ръководител: доц. д-р Ия Петкова
е-mail: iya.petkova@feb.uni-sofia.bg
Администратор: доц. д-р Тодор Ялъмов
е-mail: yalamov@feb.uni-sofia.bg
Условия за кандидатстване
Кандидати от България и ЕС
Магистърските програми по „Бизнес администрация – стратегическо управление“ и „Бизнес-администрация - развитие на човешките ресурси“ на английски език са предназначени за кандидати с базово образование по специалностите „Стопанско управление”, „Икономика”, свързаните и произтичащи от тях („Специалисти“) или завършили с образователно-квалификационна степен "бакалавър" или "магистър" със специалност различна от специалностите "Стопанско управление", "Икономика" свързаните и произтичащи от тях („Неспециалисти“).
Документи за кандидатстване
Документите, които следва да подадете, са:
- заявление за явяване на изпити - за специалисти/неспециалисти (по образец);
- автобиография;
- документ за владеене на език (ако е наличен);
- копие на диплом от завършено висше образование (бакалавър или магистър).
- квитанция за платена такса за кандидат-студентски изпити.
Подаване на документи за кандидатстване
Подаването на документи за кандидатстване в Магистърските програми по „Бизнес администрация – стратегическо управление“ и „Бизнес администрация - развитие на човешките ресурси“ на английски език се извършва в Стопанския факултет.
Кандидатите за прием от летния семестър на учебната 2022/2023 година могат да подадат своите документи през платформата https://feba.kmk.uni-sofia.bg/ между 1 декември 2022 г. и 31 януари 2023 г.
Събеседванията за прием в магистърската програма ще се проведат на 3 февруари 2023 г. от 18:00 часа на следния линк: http://bit.ly/MBA-Sofia
Приемни изпити
Процедурата по кандидатстване включва подаването на документи, писмен изпит на английски език и устен изпит-интервю.
Изпитът има за цел да провери общата икономическа/управленска култура на кандидатите и не изисква подготовка с помощта на специализирана литература. Необходимо е кандидатите да са запознати с някои от актуалните икономически проблеми в страната и чужбина и да могат да изразят аргументирано мнение.
Интервюто проверява мотивацията, квалификацията, интересите на кандидата.
И изпитът, и интервюто, се провеждат на английски език.
Кандидатите се явяват на писмен изпит и устно събеседване.
Изпитът има за цел да провери общата икономическа/управленска култура на кандидатите.
Изисква известна предварителна подготовка, с помощта на специализирана литература, както и кандидатите да са запознати с някои от актуалните икономически проблеми в страната и чужбина и да могат да изразят аргументирано мнение.
Тематичен въпросник (конспект) и литература за подготовка можете да намерите в Справочника за магистърските програми.
Интервюто проверява мотивацията, квалификацията, интересите на кандидата.
И изпитът, и интервюто, се провеждат на английски език.
График на изпитите
Изпитите за кандидатстване в Магистърските програми по „Бизнес администрация – стратегическо управление“ и „Бизнес администрация - развитие на човешките ресурси“ на английски език се провеждат в Стопански факултет.
Допълнително ще бъде обявен график на интернет страницата на Стопанския факултет.
Магистърските програми на Стопански факултет във Facebook:
facebook.com/feba.masters (въпроси и отговори)
Application procedure
Applicants from EU member countries
The Master programs in “Business administration – strategic management” and "Business administration – human resource development" are intended for applicants with a Bachelor degree in Business administration and/or Economics ("Specialists") or degrees unrelated to these fields ("Non-Specialists").
Application documents
The application documents you need to submit are the following:
- Application form (standard form- for Specialists/Non-Specialists);
- CV;
- English Language Certificate (if available);
- Copy of your Diploma (Bachelor or Master Degree); If you have a Higher education acquired at a foreign higher education institution, please refer to the information given at Sofia university’s website Admission/ International students / Recognition of Diplomas;
- Receipt for examinations fee payment.
Application documents submission
The submission of the application documents for the Master degree programs in Business Administration will take place in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, on a schedule which will be announced on the faculty’s web site.
For further information and questions please refer to the Inspectors of Foreign and Students Mrs. Neda Nikolova, e-mail: n.nikolova@feb.uni-sofia.bg
Entry examinations
The procedure for applying includes the submission of documents, a written examination in English, and an interview.
The written exam consists of the writing of an essay on a general and/or actual economic/management topic.
No special preparation is needed.
The interview aims to check the motivation, qualifications, interests of the candidate.
The written exam consists of the writing of an essay on a general and/or actual economic/management topic.
A more special preparation in management/economics is needed.
The interview aims to check the motivation, qualifications, interests of the candidate.
Admission examinations
The admission examinations for the Master degree programs in Business Administration will take place in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, on a schedule which will be announced on faculty’s web site.
Tuition fees
The tuition fees for the programmes are announced each year on the Sofia University’s web site: Admission/ International students / Tuition fees in Sofia University
Applicants from non EU member countries
Please refer to the university website: www.uni-sofia.bg
Admission / International students / Applicants from non EU member countries
1. Programme aims:
The goal of the Master’s programme “Business administration – Strategic management” is to prepare highly skilled specialists able to use advanced methods and tools for strategic management that include micro and macro-diagnostics of the environment, industry analysis, analysis of the organization, strategies for organization development, business strategies, resource and functional strategies, international strategies , etc.. After completing the programme the student should be familiar with the ideas behind strategic management – from strategic planning to real-time management. The programme will also create awareness of the need and a basis for continuous self-improvement in practice. The programme gives the students the opportunity to work both in profit and non-profit organizations, and to specialize in methods used for the strategic and operational management of human resources.
2. Programme content:
The Master programme in “Business administration – Strategic management” is intended for applicants with a Bachelor degree in Business administration and/or Economics or unrelated to these fields degrees.
The duration of study is 1 year (or 2 years for students with background other than economics and business) and includes:
- Foundation module (one semester/one year) – which includes basic obligatory courses making up the professional content of the master in Business administration with an emphasis on the strategic management and development;
- Specializing and Final module (one semester/one year) – which includes electives and optional courses in one of the offered specializations (profiles) and writing of a Master thesis, course work and defense of Master thesis
- Admission requirements include a written test and an interview. The final grade consists of the grade point average of the Bachelor degree, the state examination (defense of a bachelor thesis) and the grades of the admission test and interview.
3. Professional competencies
- To be familiar with modern economic theories and be able to analyze the economic environment by using the appropriate tools;
- To be familiar with the history of management thought and critically evaluate its development and the potential benefits of applying different approaches in specific
- environments;
- To be familiar with the tools of management;
- To be familiar with the methods for organizational and industry diagnostics;
- To be familiar with the methods for goal-setting, formulation and realization of strategies;
- To be familiar with the methods and approaches for structuring the organization;
- To be familiar with the methods for work in the socio-cultural layer of the organization, and with the human resources;
- To be familiar with public and corporate finance, the tools of the financial institutions, legal norms;
- To be familiar with the legal and administrative basis of businesses;
- To be familiar with Bulgarian accounting practices and international accounting standards.
- To implement what has been learned as theory and shared practical experience to solve practical problems;
- To make independent management analysis, decisions and recommendations;
- To carry out industry analysis, environment and organization diagnostics ;
- To formulate goals and strategies, write plans, control;
- To intervene in the socio-cultural layer of the organizationа;
- To apply the knowledge in the human resources management and to develop skills for working with people;
- To carry out real organizational changes;
- To communicate effectively;
- To plan and organize own tasks;
- To use and work with various information sources.
- Creative;
- Open to innovations;
- Capacity for self-development and life-long learning;;
- Develop capacity for business strategies and human capital.
4. Professional development
The Master programme in “Business administration – Strategic management” provides opportunities for specialization and upgrading of knowledge and skills in order to successfully meet specific job requirements and functions.
The programme graduates can work in the management of different by size and profile companies, in the departments for strategic management and planning, human resources management, operational management, etc.
Programme graduates can hold posts in the government administration, in third sector organizations; work as consultants; continue their education and research as doctoral students, teach in the system of higher education work in research and development units.
- Учебен план за МП Бизнес администрация - развитие на човешките ресурси 4 семестъра в сила от учебната 2022/2023 година – зимен прием
- Curriculum - Master’s Programme: Business Administration – Human Resources Development in English, 4 semesters – winter admission
- Учебен план за МП Бизнес администрация - развитие на човешките ресурси 4 семестъра в сила от учебната 2022/2023 година – летен прием
- Curriculum - Master’s Programme: Business Administration – Human Resources Development in English, 4 semesters – summer admission
Business Administration – human resources development (in English) – Specialists – winter submission
Business Administration – human resources development (in English) – Specialists – summer submission
Business Administration – human resources development (in English) – Non-Specialists – winter submission
Business Administration – human resources development (in English) – Non-Specialists – summer submission