Публикуван бе докладът на Центъра за изследване на демокрацията "Hidden Economy and Good Governance in Southeast Europe: Regional Assessment Report" със съавтор д-р Тодор Ялъмов от катедра Стопанско управление:
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AbstractThe book provides a comprehensive study of hidden economy and in particular - hidden employment in Southeast Europe. It looks into the official imputed unobserved economy in the system of national accounts, various estimates of hidden economy, tax gaps, tax revenues and factors, which might contribute or explain hidden economy. The first chapter provides overview of hidden economy based on available data from other research. Chapter 2 provides analysis based on survey data conducted by SELDI partners. Chapter 3 focuses on hidden employment, Chapter 4 on tax compliance and tax avoidance. Chapter 5 provides an overview analysis of the business environment in SEE. The book concludes with policy recommendations.