Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Стопански факултет / Научна дейност / Новини от научната дейност на Стопанския факултет / Излезе от печат статия на доц. д-р Тодор Ялъмов "The Internet Governance Forum does not work in countries where good governance does not work" в "Global Information Society Watch 2017 National and Regional Internet Governance Forum Initiatives (NRIs)"




Излезе статия/глава от книгата на доц. д-р Тодор Ялъмов "The Internet Governance Forum does not work in countries where good governance does not work" в "Global Information Society Watch 2017 National and Regional Internet Governance Forum Initiatives (NRIs)", публикувана от Association for Progressive Communications с редактор Alan Finlay.
Книгата беше представена в Женева по време на Internet Governance Forum, December 18-21, 2017.


This chapter considers the evolution of Bulgaria’s involvement in Internet Governance Forums (IGFs) and its impact on the governance of top-level domains in the country. The report argues that embedded local institutions in Bulgaria tend to preserve a poor level of governance even when IGF principles and approaches are applied over a period of time. The IGF works for countries that already have good governance and working relations between stakeholders (like in Estonia) and is less effective in countries where these are absent.
