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Излезе от печат четвъртият том на сборника Sofia Conferences on Social and Economic Development in Europe: Crisis and Sustainability: Responses from Different Positions, издаван от престижното издателство за научна литература Peter Lang Verlag.

В поредицата се публикуват избрани от международната редакционна колегия статии на английски език, представени на Годишната международна конференция на Стопанския факултет.


Информация за изданието:


Chobanov, George / Plöhn, Jürgen (eds.)

Crisis and Sustainability: Responses from Different Positions

Series: Sofia Conferences on Social and Economic Development in Europe - Volume 4

Year of Publication: 2013

Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2013. 152 pp., 11 tables, 10 graphs
ISBN 978-3-631-64062-3 hb. (Hardcover)


Book synopsis

The volume contains an editorial and nine contributions to the proceedings of the 14th international conference of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Sofia University. The first part reflects on the persistent monetary, fiscal and economic crisis in the EU and other OECD countries. The second part deals with specific answers to economic challenges by municipalities and enterprises, treating clusters, NPM and M&A. In a broad sense, the third part is dedicated to sustainable development, including a theoretical, a predominantly political and a practice oriented contribution. The articles are written by authors from five nations: Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and the USA. In the background of each position, there is a certain national tradition; the authors use theoretical as well as empirical approaches. The volume encompasses ten figures and eleven tables.



Contents: Jürgen Plöhn: Editorial – Corbett F. Gaulden: Fiscal Mischief and Fiscal Constraint in the European Crisis – George Chobanov/Teodor Sedlarski: On the Economic Policy Dilemma: Economic Darwinism versus Interventionism – Jean-Pierre Gern: Is Competitiveness Development Self-defeating Trough its Impact on Social Structures and Values? – Luca Bartocci/Francesca Picciaia: Beyond State and Market: Towards a Participated Governance of Local Public Utilities? – Christian Scheiner/Christian Baccarella/Stephan Hohenadl/Kai-Ingo Voigt: Embedded Systems in the European Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg - A Cluster Development Analysis – Stefka Iankova: Main Factors of Success in Mergers and Acquisitions’ Performance – Joachim Schwalbach: Sustainability: Why the Honourable Merchant Wins in the End – Dieter Flämig: Social and Economic Strategies for a Sustainable Society – Andreas Scholz-Fleischmann: Infrastructure Economy as a Nucleus for More Sustainability.


About the author(s)/editor(s)

George Chobanov is Professor at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and former Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.
Jürgen Plöhn is Professor of Economics and Politics at EBC University of Applied Sciences Hamburg and Professor of Political Science at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.



Sofia Conferences on Social and Economic Development in Europe. Vol. 4
Edited by George Chobanov, Jürgen Plöhn and Horst Schellhaass