Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Стопански факултет / Катедри и Академичен състав / Катедри / Икономика / Публикации / В Том 3 / 2018 на Научни трудове на УНСС бяха публикувани статии на доц. д-р Теодор Седларски и гл. ас. д-р Димитър Златинов от катедра Икономика на Стопанския факултет





В Том 3 / 2018 на Икономически трудове на УНСС бяха публикувани статии на доц. д-р Теодор Седларски и гл. ас. д-р Димитър Златинов от катедра Икономика на Стопанския факултет.


Статията на доц. Седларски е на тема "Икономика на щастието: относителната природа на човешкото субективно благосъстояние"



This article analyses problems which gain new popularity among economist in the context of the ongoing Fourth industrial revolution. Why is the ubiquitous decrease of work hours still not happening that was predicted by social scientists in the late 19th and the beginning of the 20th century? Why do individuals not reassign time towards leisure and creative activities in the wake of the constant rise of technological productivity? What impact on happiness have the ever increasing wants and the comparisons with others? Most people assume that they would be happier if only they were richer. The results of subjective well-being studies generally contradict this widespread belief. The insights of happiness economics put the detailed study of the factors for the subjective well-being and the possibilities to influence it back in the center of economic research through a more enhanced knowledge of human psychology than the conventional economic assumptions.


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Статията на гл. ас. д-р Димитър Златинов е на тема: "Macroeconomic Challenges for the Transition to the Economy 4.0 in Bulgaria"



The paper examines changes in the Bulgarian economy following the global financial and economic crisis of 2008 that affect the macroeconomic environment for making the transition to the Economy 4.0. The main identified obstacles to sustainable technological economic growth are subdued investments and still low credit activity, high intercompany indebtedness, and relatively low levels of personal income. Meanwhile, the ongoing structural change in employment, increase in numbers and in share within overall production of the IT and research companies, and growing export opportunities may have a positive effect on the digitalization of Bulgarian economy.


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